Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fasting - The Master Remedy

Fasting refers to complete abstinence from food for a short or long period for a specific purpose.
The word is derived from the old English, ‘feastan’ which means to fast, observe, be strict.
Fasting is nature’s oldest, most effective and yet least expensive method of treating disease. It is
recognised as the cornerstone of natural healing. Dr. Arnold Eheret, the originator of the
muscusless diet healing system, describes it as " nature’s only universal and omnipotent remedy
of healing" and "nature’s only fundamental law of all healing and curing. "
The practice of fasting is one of the most ancient customs. It is followed in almost every religion.
The Mohammedan, the Buddhists, the Hindus and many others have their periods of strict
fasting. The saints of medieval times laid great stress on this method.

Fasting indisease was advocated by the school of natural philosopher, Asclepiades, more than
two thousand years ago. Throughout medical history, it has been regarded as one of the most
dependable curative methods. Hippocrates, Galen, Paracelsus and many other great authorities
on medicine prescribed it. Many noted modern physicians have successfully employed this
system of healing in the treatment of numerous diseases.

The common cause of all diseases is the accumulation of waste and poisonous matter in the
body which results from overeating. The majority of persons eat too much and follow sedentary
occupations which do not permit sufficient and proper exercise for utilisation of this large quantity of food. This surplus overburdens the digestive and assimulative organs and clogs up the system with impurities or poisons. Digestion and elimination become slow and the functional
activity of the whole system gets deranged.

The onset of disease is merely the process of ridding the system of these impurities. Every
disease can be healed by only one remedy - by doing just the opposite of what causes it, that is,
by reducing the food intake or fasting.

By depriving the body of food for a time ,the organs of elimination such as the bowels, kidneys,
skin and lungs are given opportunity to expel, unhampered, the overload of accumulated waste
from the system. Thus, fasting is merely the process of purification and an effective and quick
method of cure. It assists nature in her continuous effort to expel foreign matter and disease
producing waste from the body, thereby correcting the faults of improper diet and wrong living. It also leads to regeneration of the blood as well as the repair and regeneration of the various
tissues of the body.

The duration of the fast depends upon the age of the patient, the nature of the disease and the
amount and type of drugs previously used. The duration is important, because long periods of
fasting can be dangerous if undertaken without competent professional guidance. It is, therefore,
advisable to undertake a series of short fasts of two to three days and gradually increase the
duration of each succeeding fast by a day or so. The period, however, should not exceed a week
of total fasting at a time. This will enable the chronically sick body to gradually and slowly
eliminate toxic waste matter without seriously affecting the natural functioning of the body. A
correct mode of living and a balanced diet after the fast will restore vigour and vitality to the

Fasting is highly beneficial in practically all kinds of stomach and intestinal disorders and in
serious conditions of the kidneys and liver. It is a miracle cure for eczema and other skin
diseases and offers the only hope of permanent cure in many cases. The various nervous
disorders also respond favourably to this mode of treatment.
Fasting should, however, not be restored to in every illness. In cases of diabetes, advanced
stages of tuberculosis, and extreme cases of neurasthenia, long fasts will be harmful. IN most
cases, however , no harm will accrue to fasting patients, provided they take rest, and are under
proper professional care.

The best, safest and most effective method of fasting is juice fasting. Although the old classic
form of fasting was a pure water fast, most ofthe leading authorities on fasting today agree that
juice fasting is far superior to a water fast. According to Dr. Rangar Berg, the world -famous
authority on nutrition, "During fasting the body burns up and excretes huge amounts of
accumulated wastes. We can help this cleansing process by drinking alkaline juice instead of
water while fasting ... Elimina tion of uric acid and other inorganic acids will be accelerated. And
sugars in juices will strengthen the heart ... juice fasting is, therefore, the best form of fasting. "
Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace elements in fresh, raw vegetable and fruit juices are
extremely beneficial in normalising all the body processes. They supply essential elements for
the body’s own healing activity and cell renegeration and thus speeding the recovery. All juices
should be prepared from fresh fruit immediately before drinking. Canned or frozen juices should
not be used.

A precautionary measure which must be observed in all cases of fasting is the complete
emptying of the bowels at the beginning of the fast by enema so that the patient is not bothered
by gas or decomposing matter formed from the excrements remaining in the body. Enemas
should be administered at least every alternate day during the fasting period. The patient should
get as much fresh air as possible and should drink plain lukewarm water when thirsty. Fresh
juices may be diluted with pure water. The total liquid intake should be approximately six to eight glasses.

A lot of energy is spent during the fast in the process of eliminating accumulated poisons and
toxic waste materials. It is, therfore, of utmost importance that the patients gets as much
physical rest and mental relaxation as possible during the fast. IN cases of fasts in which fruit
juices are taken, especially when fresh grapes, oranges or grapefruit are used exclusively, the
toxic wastes enter the blood -stream rapidly, resulting in an overload of toxic matter, which
affects normal bodily functions. This often results in dizzy spells, followed by diarrhoea and
vomiting. If this physical reaction persists, it is advisable to discontinue the fast and take cooked
vegetables containing adequate roughage such as spinach and beets until the body functioning
returns to normal.

The overweight person finds it much easier to go without food. Loss of weight causes no fear
and the patient’s attitude makes fasting almost a pleasure. The first day’s hunger pangs are
perhaps the most difficult to bear. The craving for food will, however, gradually decrease as the
fast progresses. Seriously sick persons have no desire for food and fasting comes naturally to
them. The simples rule is to stop eating until the appetite returns or until one feels completely

Only very simple exercises like short walks may be undertaken during the fast. A warm water or neutral bath may be taken during the period. Cold baths are not advisable. Sun and air baths
should be taken daily. Fasting sometimes produces a state of sleeplessness which can be
overcome by a warm tub bath, hot water bottles at the feet and by drinking one or two glasses of
hot water.

There are several benefit of fasting. During a long fast, the body feeds upon its reserves. Being
deprived of needed nutrients, particularly of protein and fats, it will burn and digest its own
tissues by the process of autolysis or self-digestion. But it will not do so indistriminately. The
body will first decompose and burn those cells and tissues which are diseased, damaged, aged
or dead. The essential tissues and vital organs, the glands, the nervous system and the brain
are not damaged or digested in fasting. Here lies the secret of the effectiveness of fasting as a
curative and rejuvenative method. During fasting, the building of new and healthy cells are
speeded up by the amino acids released from the diseased cells. The capacity of the eliminative
organs, that is, lungs, liver, kidneys and the skin is greatly increased as they are relieved of the
usual burden of digesting food and eliminating the resultant wastes. They are, therefore, able to
quickly expel old accumulated wastes and toxins.

Fasting affords a physiological rest to the digestive, assimilative and protective organs. As a
result, the digestion of food and the utilisation of nutrients is greatly improved after fasting. The
fast also exerts a normalising, stablising and rejuvenating effect on all the vital physiological,
nervous and mental functions.

Breaking of Fast
The success of the fast depends largely on hos it is broken. This is the most significant phase.
The main rules for breaking the fast are : do not overeat, eat slowly and chew your food
thoroughly ; and take several days for the gradual change to the normal diet. If the transition to
eating solid foods is carefully planned, there will be no discomfort or damage. The patient should
also continue to take rest during the transition period. The right food after a fast is as important
and decisive for proper results as the fast itself.

Principles and Practice of Nature Cure

Nature cure is a constructive method of treatment which aims at removing the basic cause of
disease through the rational use of the elements freely available in nature. It is not only a system
of healing, but also a way of life, in tune with the internal vital forces or natural elements
comprising the human body. It is a complete revolution in the art and science of living.
Although the term ‘ naturopathy’ is of relatively recent origin, the philosophical basis and several
of the methods of nature cure treatments are ancient. It was practised in ancient Egypt, Greece
and Rome. Hippocrates, the father of medicine ( 460-357 B.C.) strongly advocated it. India, it
appears, was much further advanced in older days in natural healing system than other
countries of the world. There are references in India’s ancient sacred books about the extensive
use of nature’s excellent healing agents such as air, earth, water and sun. The Great Baths of
the Indus Valley civilisation as discovered at Mohenjodaro in old Sind testifies to the use of water
for curative purposes in ancient India.

The modern methods of nature cure originated in Germany in 1822, when Vincent Priessnitz
established the first hydropathic establishment there. With his great success in water cure, the
idea of drugless healing spread throughout the civilised world and many medical practitioners
throughout the civilised world and many medical practitioners from America and other countries
became his enthusiastic students and disciples. These students subsequently enlarged and
developed the various methods of natural healing in their own way. The whole mass of
knowledge was later collected under one name, Naturopathy. The credit for the name
Naturopathy goes to Dr. Benedict Lust ( 1872 - 1945), and hence he is called the Father of

Nature cure is based on the realisation that man is born healthy and strong and that he can stay
as such as living in accordance with the laws of nature. Even if born with some inherited
affliction, the individual can eliminate it by putting to the best use the natural agents of healing.
Fresh air, sunshine, a proper diet, exercise, scientific relaxation, constructive thinking and the
right mental attitude, along with prayer and meditation all play their part in keeping a sound mind in a sound body.

Nature cure believes that disease is an abnormal condition of the body resulting from the
violation of the natural laws. Every such violation has repercussions on the human system in the
shape of lowered vitality, irregularities of the blood and lymph and the accumulation of waste
matter and toxins. Thus, through a faulty diet it is not the digestive system alone which is
adversely affected. When toxins accumulate, other organs such as the bowels, kidneys, skin and
lungs are overworked and cannot get rid of these harmful substances as quickly as they are

Besides this, mental and emotional disturbances cause imbalances of the vital electric field
within which cell metabolism takes place, producing toxins. When the soil of this electric filed is
undisturbed, disease-causing germs can live in it without multiplying or producing toxins. It is
only when it is disturbed or when the blood is polluted with toxic waste that the germs multiply
and become harmful.

Basic Principles
The whole philosophy and practice of nature cure is built on three basic principles. These
principles are based on the conclu sions reached from over a century of effective naturopathic
treatment of diseases in Germany, America and Great Britain. They have been tested and
proved over and over again by the results obtained.

Principles and Practice of Nature Cure
The first and most basic principle of nature cure is that all forms of disease are due to the same
cause, namely, the accumulations of waste materials and bodily refuse in the system. These
waste materials in the healthy individual are removed from the system through the organs of
elimination. But in the diseased person, they are steadily piling up in the body through years of
faulty habits of living such as wrong feeding, improper care of the body and habits contributing to enervation and nervous exhaustion such as worry, overwork and excesses of all kinds. It follows from this basic principle that the only way to cure disease is to employ methods which will enable the system to throw off these toxic accumulations. All natural treatments are actually
directed towards this end.

The second basic principle of nature cure is that all acute diseases such as fevers, colds,
inflammations, digestive disturbances and skin eruptions are nothing more than self-initiated
efforts on the part of the body to throw off the accumulated waste materials and that all chronic
diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, rheumatism, asthma, kidney disorders, are the results
of continued suppression of the acute diseases through harmful methods such as drugs,
vaccines, narcotics and gland extracts.

The third principle of nature cure is that the body contains an eleborate healing mechanism
which has the power to bring about a return to normal condition of health, provided right
methods are employed to enable it to do so. In other words, the power to cure disease lies within
the body itself and not in the hands of the doctor.

Nature Cure vs Modern System
The modern medical system treats the symptoms and suppresses the disease but does little to
ascertain the real cause. Toxic drugs which may suppress or relieve some ailments usually have
harmful side-effects. Drugs usually hinder the self-healing efforts of the body and make recovery more difficult. According to the late Sir William Osler, an eminent physician and surgeon, when drugs are used, the patient has to recover twice - once from the illness, and once from the drug.

Drugs cannot cure diseases; disease continues. It is only its pattern that changes. Drugs also
produce dietary deficiencies by destroying nutrients, using them up, and preventing their
absorption. Moreover, the toxicity they produce occurs at a time when the body is least capable
of coping with it. The power to restore health thus lies not in drugs,but in nature.
The approach of modern system is more on combative lines after the disease has set in,
whereas nature cure system lays greater emphasis on preventive method and adopts measures
to attain and maintain health and prevent disease. The modern medical system treats each
disease as a separate entity, requiring specific drug for its cure, whereas the nature cure system
treats the organism as a whole and seeks to restore harmony to the whole of the patient’s being.

Methods of Nature Cure
The nature cure system aims at the readjustment of the human system from abnormal to normal conditions and functions, and adopts methods of cure which are in conformity with the
constructive principles of nature. Such methods remove from the system the accumulation of
toxic matter and poisons without in any way injuring the vital organs of the body. They also
stimulate the organs of elimination and purification to better functioning.
To cure disease, the first and foremost requirement is to regulate the diet. To get rid of
accumulated toxins and restore the equilibrium of the system, it is desirable to completely
exclude acid-forming foods, including proteins, starches and fats, for a week or more and to
confine the diet to fresh fruits which will disinfect the stomach and alimentary canal. If the body is overloaded with morbid matter, as in acute disease, a complete fast for a few days may be
necessary for the elimination of toxins. Fruit juice may, however, be taken during a fast. A simple rule is : do not eat when you are sick, stick to a light diet of fresh fruits. Wait for the return of the usual healthy appetite. Loss of appetite is Nature’s warning that no burden should be placed on the digestive organs. Alkaline foods such as raw vegetables and sprouted whole grain cereals may be added after a week of a fruits-only diet.

Another important factor in the cure of diseases by natural methods is to stimulate the vitality of
the body. This can be achieved by using water in various ways and at varying temperatures in
the form of packs or baths. The application of cold water, especially to the abdomen, the seat of
most diseases, and to the sexual organs, through a cold sitting ( hip) bath immediately lowers
body heat and stimulates the nervous system. In the form of wet packs, hydrotherapy offers a

Principles and Practice of Nature Cure
simple natural method of abating fevers and reducing pain and inflammation without any harmful side-effects. Warm water applications, on the other hand, are relaxing.
Other natural methods useful in the cure of diseases are air and sunbaths, exercise and
massage. Air and sunbaths revive dead skin and help maintain it in a normal condition. Exercise,
especially yogic asanas,promotes inner health and harmony and helps eliminate all tension :
physical, mental and emotional. Massage tones up the nervous system and quickens blood
circulation and the metabolic process.

Thus a well-balanced diet, sufficient physical exercise, the observation of the other laws of
well-being such as fresh air, plenty of sunlight, pure drinking water,scrupulous cleanliness,
adequate rest and right mental attitude can ensure proper health and prevent disease.

Principles and Practice of Nature Cure

Nature cure is a constructive method of treatment which aims at removing the basic cause of
disease through the rational use of the elements freely available in nature. It is not only a system
of healing, but also a way of life, in tune with the internal vital forces or natural elements
comprising the human body. It is a complete revolution in the art and science of living.
Although the term ‘ naturopathy’ is of relatively recent origin, the philosophical basis and several
of the methods of nature cure treatments are ancient. It was practised in ancient Egypt, Greece
and Rome. Hippocrates, the father of medicine ( 460-357 B.C.) strongly advocated it. India, it
appears, was much further advanced in older days in natural healing system than other
countries of the world. There are references in India’s ancient sacred books about the extensive
use of nature’s excellent healing agents such as air, earth, water and sun. The Great Baths of
the Indus Valley civilisation as discovered at Mohenjodaro in old Sind testifies to the use of water
for curative purposes in ancient India.

The modern methods of nature cure originated in Germany in 1822, when Vincent Priessnitz
established the first hydropathic establishment there. With his great success in water cure, the
idea of drugless healing spread throughout the civilised world and many medical practitioners
throughout the civilised world and many medical practitioners from America and other countries
became his enthusiastic students and disciples. These students subsequently enlarged and
developed the various methods of natural healing in their own way. The whole mass of
knowledge was later collected under one name, Naturopathy. The credit for the name
Naturopathy goes to Dr. Benedict Lust ( 1872 - 1945), and hence he is called the Father of

Nature cure is based on the realisation that man is born healthy and strong and that he can stay
as such as living in accordance with the laws of nature. Even if born with some inherited
affliction, the individual can eliminate it by putting to the best use the natural agents of healing.
Fresh air, sunshine, a proper diet, exercise, scientific relaxation, constructive thinking and the
right mental attitude, along with prayer and meditation all play their part in keeping a sound mind in a sound body.

Nature cure believes that disease is an abnormal condition of the body resulting from the
violation of the natural laws. Every such violation has repercussions on the human system in the
shape of lowered vitality, irregularities of the blood and lymph and the accumulation of waste
matter and toxins. Thus, through a faulty diet it is not the digestive system alone which is
adversely affected. When toxins accumulate, other organs such as the bowels, kidneys, skin and
lungs are overworked and cannot get rid of these harmful substances as quickly as they are

Besides this, mental and emotional disturbances cause imbalances of the vital electric field
within which cell metabolism takes place, producing toxins. When the soil of this electric filed is
undisturbed, disease-causing germs can live in it without multiplying or producing toxins. It is
only when it is disturbed or when the blood is polluted with toxic waste that the germs multiply
and become harmful.

Basic Principles
The whole philosophy and practice of nature cure is built on three basic principles. These
principles are based on the conclu sions reached from over a century of effective naturopathic
treatment of diseases in Germany, America and Great Britain. They have been tested and
proved over and over again by the results obtained.

Principles and Practice of Nature Cure
The first and most basic principle of nature cure is that all forms of disease are due to the same
cause, namely, the accumulations of waste materials and bodily refuse in the system. These
waste materials in the healthy individual are removed from the system through the organs of
elimination. But in the diseased person, they are steadily piling up in the body through years of
faulty habits of living such as wrong feeding, improper care of the body and habits contributing to enervation and nervous exhaustion such as worry, overwork and excesses of all kinds. It follows from this basic principle that the only way to cure disease is to employ methods which will enable the system to throw off these toxic accumulations. All natural treatments are actually
directed towards this end.

The second basic principle of nature cure is that all acute diseases such as fevers, colds,
inflammations, digestive disturbances and skin eruptions are nothing more than self-initiated
efforts on the part of the body to throw off the accumulated waste materials and that all chronic
diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, rheumatism, asthma, kidney disorders, are the results
of continued suppression of the acute diseases through harmful methods such as drugs,
vaccines, narcotics and gland extracts.

The third principle of nature cure is that the body contains an eleborate healing mechanism
which has the power to bring about a return to normal condition of health, provided right
methods are employed to enable it to do so. In other words, the power to cure disease lies within
the body itself and not in the hands of the doctor.

Nature Cure vs Modern System
The modern medical system treats the symptoms and suppresses the disease but does little to
ascertain the real cause. Toxic drugs which may suppress or relieve some ailments usually have
harmful side-effects. Drugs usually hinder the self-healing efforts of the body and make recovery more difficult. According to the late Sir William Osler, an eminent physician and surgeon, when drugs are used, the patient has to recover twice - once from the illness, and once from the drug.

Drugs cannot cure diseases; disease continues. It is only its pattern that changes. Drugs also
produce dietary deficiencies by destroying nutrients, using them up, and preventing their
absorption. Moreover, the toxicity they produce occurs at a time when the body is least capable
of coping with it. The power to restore health thus lies not in drugs,but in nature.
The approach of modern system is more on combative lines after the disease has set in,
whereas nature cure system lays greater emphasis on preventive method and adopts measures
to attain and maintain health and prevent disease. The modern medical system treats each
disease as a separate entity, requiring specific drug for its cure, whereas the nature cure system
treats the organism as a whole and seeks to restore harmony to the whole of the patient’s being.

Methods of Nature Cure
The nature cure system aims at the readjustment of the human system from abnormal to normal conditions and functions, and adopts methods of cure which are in conformity with the
constructive principles of nature. Such methods remove from the system the accumulation of
toxic matter and poisons without in any way injuring the vital organs of the body. They also
stimulate the organs of elimination and purification to better functioning.
To cure disease, the first and foremost requirement is to regulate the diet. To get rid of
accumulated toxins and restore the equilibrium of the system, it is desirable to completely
exclude acid-forming foods, including proteins, starches and fats, for a week or more and to
confine the diet to fresh fruits which will disinfect the stomach and alimentary canal. If the body is overloaded with morbid matter, as in acute disease, a complete fast for a few days may be
necessary for the elimination of toxins. Fruit juice may, however, be taken during a fast. A simple rule is : do not eat when you are sick, stick to a light diet of fresh fruits. Wait for the return of the usual healthy appetite. Loss of appetite is Nature’s warning that no burden should be placed on the digestive organs. Alkaline foods such as raw vegetables and sprouted whole grain cereals may be added after a week of a fruits-only diet.

Another important factor in the cure of diseases by natural methods is to stimulate the vitality of
the body. This can be achieved by using water in various ways and at varying temperatures in
the form of packs or baths. The application of cold water, especially to the abdomen, the seat of
most diseases, and to the sexual organs, through a cold sitting ( hip) bath immediately lowers
body heat and stimulates the nervous system. In the form of wet packs, hydrotherapy offers a

Principles and Practice of Nature Cure
simple natural method of abating fevers and reducing pain and inflammation without any harmful side-effects. Warm water applications, on the other hand, are relaxing.
Other natural methods useful in the cure of diseases are air and sunbaths, exercise and
massage. Air and sunbaths revive dead skin and help maintain it in a normal condition. Exercise,
especially yogic asanas,promotes inner health and harmony and helps eliminate all tension :
physical, mental and emotional. Massage tones up the nervous system and quickens blood
circulation and the metabolic process.

Thus a well-balanced diet, sufficient physical exercise, the observation of the other laws of
well-being such as fresh air, plenty of sunlight, pure drinking water,scrupulous cleanliness,
adequate rest and right mental attitude can ensure proper health and prevent disease.