(Irritable Bowel Syndrome )IBS is not a disease, but a set of chronic symptoms that can interfere with daily living. IBS sufferers seem to have colons that are hypersensitive to stimulation -- the colon is most commonly stimulated by stress and by a variety of foods and beverages. This leads to spasms, which result in intolerable pain from cramps and gas, and can set off a bout of diarrhea or result in constipation.

Even though there is no known cure, most people with IBS are able to control their symptoms through medications prescribed by their physicians, stress management and diet. Although everyone has her own unique foods that may set off IBS, there are some trigger foods common to most IBS patients.

The Better Digestion Diet can help you design a successful meal plan by eliminating these trigger foods. Then you can reintroduce them one at a time, in small amounts, to see what your digestive system can tolerate.

Here's a list of possible triggers that this diet will help you to avoid:

• Most dairy
Some adults have difficulty digesting lactose, a protein in milk and milk products. Dairy products that are high in fat should be eliminated as they are unhealthy generally, and all fats worsen IBS symptoms. The exception for many is yogurt because it is low in lactose and high in bacteria that are beneficial to the gut. (Make sure to choose a natural yogurt that does not contain artificial sweeteners.) Also ensure that you are still getting enough calcium by using substitutes such as fortified soy milks, rice or oat milks, and soy-based, fat-free cheeses.

• Fat
Fat in any form (animal or vegetable) is a strong stimulus of colonic contractions after a meal, so all fat must be limited. That means most meats, poultry (especially dark meat and skin), oils (even the healthier olive and canola oil), butter, cream cheese, nuts and cheese. Find substitutions for fat, such as using a nonstick pan and fat-free cooking spray. Avoid hidden fat in foods by reading labels, and stay away from fried or high fat foods like avocados, egg yolks, nuts or coconut.

• Red meat
No beef, pork or lamb, which are all high in fat and difficult to digest. You can get plenty of protein by choosing lean sources such as soy products, skinned chicken breast and fish.

• Coffee and alcohol
Both stimulate the gut and inspire IBS. You may find that you can replace your morning coffee with tea. Although tea still has caffeine, which is intolerable for some, it is less harsh than coffee. If that fails, you should try a colon-calming herbal tea like peppermint or ginger.

• Artificial fats and sweeteners
Olestra, an artificial fat, is known to cause digestive problems in those who do not suffer from IBS, so don't even try it. As for artificial sweeteners, these are also best avoided as they can create excess gas in the digestive tract -- exactly what you don't need if you have IBS.

• Chocolate
Contains caffeine, fat and often dairy products -- all of which are irritating to IBS sufferers.

• Insoluble fiber
Foods high in insoluble fiber (commonly known as roughage, which passes through the body undigested) can be difficult or intolerable. These foods include fruits, vegetables, grains and beans. (Raw fruits and vegetables and wheat bran are especially high in insoluble fiber and may need to be limited to a couple of tablespoons per meal.) If you do add high-fiber foods to your diet, do it slowly to minimize bloating and gas.

The Better Digestion Diet is built around low insoluble fiber, carbohydrates with smaller amounts of lean protein and high fiber fruits, vegetables and grains.

Option one:
Oatmeal topped with soy or rice milk and ripe banana slice or Rice Chex topped with banana and soy milk
Ginger tea

Option two:
Oatmeal Pancakes with maple syrup
Chamomile tea

Option three:
Tofu smoothie, such as Apple Berry Smoothie

Option one:
Dairy-Free Soy Tomato Soup
French bread
Angel food cake with 1/4 cup mashed strawberries
Mint tea

Option two:
Pita sandwich made with thinly sliced smoked turkey breast, slice of low-fat or fat-free soy cheese and a tablespoon of chutney
Glass of soy milk
1/4 cup diced mango or papaya with Cinnamon Honey Dressing

Option three:
Tuna salad sandwich (made with water packed tuna, fat-free mayonnaise and 1 tablespoon chopped celery) on rye bread
Chilled steamed fresh green beans (small serving) with Creamy Italian Dressing
Vanilla Pudding

Option one:
Crispy Tofu with Plum and Ginger Sauce
Steamed rice
Small serving of steamed broccoli
Baked apple with soy ice cream

Option two:
Skinless chicken breast such as Orange Chicken Madeira (the alcohol in the wine will cook off)
Mashed sweet potatoes
Corn bread
New York Tofu Cheesecake

Option three:
Glass of tomato juice
Garlic Shrimp and Angel Hair Pasta (omitting the butter)
Steamed peeled zucchini
Crusty baguette
Lemon Sorbet in Lemon Cups

Option four:
Soy Meatloaf
Baked potato topped with fat-free soy sour cream
Small serving steamed green beans
Dairy-free frozen dessert
Chamomile tea

Soy yogurt and pudding 
Baked corn chips with small amount salsa 
Fat-free saltines with jam and ginger tea 
1/2 bagel with low-fat soy cream cheese 
Pretzels and bottled water 
Graham crackers and fat-free soy milk 
Angel food cake 
Healthy Dos and Don'ts

Keep a food diary. In determining how to best counteract the symptoms of IBS and other digestive problems, it's essential to know what you're eating and what effect it's having on your gut. Write down exactly what you eat and drink, including temperatures and times, and then write down any symptoms you have and when they occur. Over a relatively short period of time you should be able to pinpoint what makes you sick and can avoid or eliminate those foods 
Eat small meals more frequently. Eating causes contractions of the colon, and symptoms may be eased if you eat smaller meals more often or just eat smaller portions 
Exercise. Proper exercise and rest can help reduce stress and positively influence IBS symptoms 
Slow down. When, how and where you eat can be important considerations. Shoveling down lunch while sitting at your desk is a recipe for disaster. Make meal times special. Eat slowly. Don't talk about anything stressful or upsetting while eating. IBS is exacerbated by stress of all kinds, so be extra careful to limit or eliminate trigger foods during times of high stress


Drink either very hot or icy cold beverages. Beverages should be taken lukewarm 
Sit or lie down after a meal. Instead, keep active -- get up and do the dishes or go for a walk