Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Scientifically Proven Health Benefits Exercise

We've all heard it before, "Exercise is good for you because...."Nowadays you can't check out at the grocery store or do much of anything without being reminded that us mortal humans need to exercise. Still, we persist, procrastinate and eventually complain that we're overweight, sick, dying, etc.Listen. Some exercise is better than none, more exercise is generally better than less, and no exercise can be disastrous. No one is asking for you to start a rigorous daily regimen, just do something. If you need motivation, here is a list of scientifically proven health benefits that regular exercise brings.
Longevity. People who are physically active live longer. According to a 20 year follow-up study, regular exercise reduces the risk of dying prematurely.
New brain cell development, improved cognition and memory. Exercise stimulates the formation of new brain cells. Researchers found that the areas of the brain that are stimulated through exercise are responsible for memory and learning. For instance, older adults who engage in regular physical activity have better performances in tests implying decision-making process, memory and problem solving.
Improved sexual function and better sex life. Regular exercise maintains or improves sex life. Physical improvements in muscle strength and tone, endurance, body composition and cardiovascular function can all enhance sexual functioning in both men and women. Researchers revealed that men who exercise regularly are less likely to have erectile dysfunction and impotence than are men who don't exercise.
Exercise is a powerful antidepressant. Study after study has shown that exercise promotes mental health and reduces symptoms of depression. The antidepressant effect of regular physical exercise is comparable to the potent antidepressants like Zoloft. It may take at least 30 minutes of exercise a day for at least three to five days a week to significantly improve symptoms of depression.
Cardiovascular health. Lack of physical activity is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Regular exercising makes your heart, like any other muscle, stronger. A stronger heart can pump more blood with less effort.
Cholesterol lowering effect. Exercise itself does not burn off cholesterol like it does with fat, however, exercise favorably influences blood cholesterol levels by decreasing LDL (bad) cholesterol, triglycerides and total cholesterol and increasing HDL (good) cholesterol.
Prevention and control of diabetes. There is strong evidence from high quality studies (e.g. Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study) that moderate physical activity combined with weight loss and balanced diet can confer a 50-60% reduction in risk of developing diabetes.
Blood pressure lowering. The way in which exercise can cause a reduction in blood pressure is unclear, but all forms of exercise seem to be effective in reducing blood pressure. Aerobic exercise appears to have a slightly greater effect on blood pressure in hypertensive individuals than in individuals without hypertension.
Reduced risk of stroke. Research data indicates that moderate and high levels of physical activity may reduce the risk of total, ischemic, and hemorrhagic strokes.
Weight control. Regular exercise helps to reach and maintain a healthy weight. If you take in more calories than needed in a day, exercise offsets a caloric overload and controls body weight. It speeds the rate of energy use, resulting in increased metabolism. When metabolism increases through exercise, you will maintain the faster rate for longer periods of a day.
Muscle strength. Health studies repeatedly show that strength training increases muscle strength and mass and decreases fat tissue.
Bone strength. An active lifestyle benefits bone density. Regular weight-bearing exercise promotes bone formation, delays bone loss and may protect against osteoporosis - form of bone loss associated with aging.
Better night sleep. If you suffer from poor sleep, daily exercise can make the difference. The natural dip in body temperature five to six hours after exercise may help to fall asleep.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sinus Headaches

Many people have what they call “sinus headaches,” but it turns out the majority of them may actually have migraine headaches instead. True sinus headaches are more uncommon, and result from an underlying condition such as sinusitis or allergies. The lining of the sinuses get inflamed and painful, and eventually they may become clogged. This blockage adds to the pressure and pain felt in the sinus.
Typical SymptomsThe pain of a sinus headache occurs directly over the affected sinus. The pain is typically constant, dull, and made worse with motion of the head. Many people with sinus headaches say that they can actually feel pain in their teeth. Along with the headache, one may have a fever, nasal drainage or congestion, ear pressure or a feeling of “fullness,” or facial pressure and pain. If a sinus headache is due to allergies, it may be accompanied by typical allergy symptoms like itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, or runny nose. In most cases, sinus infections do not cause nausea or vomiting, or light (photo phobia) or sound sensitivity (phonophobia).
TreatmentThe best way to treat a sinus headache is to treat the underlying cause. In the case of allergies, using an antihistamine (Benadryl or Claritin) or nasal steroid (like Flonase or Rhinocort) may be enough. If it is a sinus infection than a nasal decongestant, like Sudafed, may be a reasonable choice. If the infection is bacterial, your health care professional may choose to put you on an antibiotic, like Augmentin. Many upper respiratory infections are viral, and in those cases, an antibiotic would not be of use. For the pain, you can use Tylenol or another anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen or naproxen. A humidifier may be useful in promoting drainage and opening the nasal passages. Over-the-counter nasal sprays, like Afrin, can be used. But you should never use them for more than 2 days since you can actually experience “rebound congestion” where your nasal symptoms worsen rather than improve. Saline nasal spray is a much safer alternative.

Daily Exercise Suggestions

Walk 10 Minutes a Day and Increase Your Fitness Level
Old thinking was to work out in a sweat-filled gym for hours a day. No pain, no gain. New studies show that even short bouts of activity can increase your fitness level, especially if you're new at working out.

Park and Walk
Whenever you have an errand, park your car as far away as you can handle and walk to the store. At the mall, park at the farthest end and walk the length of the mall. Use every opportunity to walk. At the end of the day, it all adds up to better fitness.

Crunch in Bed
Before you even get out of bed in the morning, do 10 stomach crunches while lying flat on your mattress. Increase daily by one until you get up to 100. Think you'll never get there? Try it. You may eventually have to set your clock to wake up 15 minutes earlier, a small price to pay for a flatter stomach.

10 Basics to Practice Every Day

1. Move More
Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic dance class or tai chi or kickboxing. But that's great when you're up to it. Meanwhile, move more. Thought for the day: Cha, Cha, Cha…. Then do it!

2. Cut Fat
Avoid the obvious such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and sausage). Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise. Thought for the day: Lean, mean, fat-burning machine…. Then be one!

3. Quit Smoking
The jury is definitely in on this verdict. Ever since 1960 when the Surgeon General announced that smoking was harmful to your health, Americans have been reducing their use of tobacco products that kill. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Could it be the Hollywood influence? It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. Thought for the day: Give up just one cigarette…. the next one.

4. Reduce Stress
Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e.,Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds….then float on them.

5. Protect Yourself from Pollution
If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution and dirt from the street deterrent. Thought for the day: 'Smoke gets in your eyes'…and your mouth, and your nose and your lungs as do pollutants….hum the tune daily.

6. Wear Your Seat Belt
Statistics show that seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes. Thought for the day: Buckle down and buckle up.

7. Floss Your Teeth
Recent studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't? Thought for the day: Floss and be your body's boss.

8. Avoid Excessive Drinking
While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer. Thought for the day: A jug of wine should last a long time.

9. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. Thought for the day: You can't be unhappy when you're smiling or singing.

10. Choose Your Parents Well
The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. But just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you cannot counteract the genetic pool handed you. Thought for the day: Follow these basic tips for healthy living and you can better control your own destiny.

Daily Health Task Lists

Just like brushing your teeth, healthy habits should be cultivated on a daily basis. The following is a guide to daily tasks:
  1. 1. Activity should be a daily occurrence. Walk, run or jump for a minimum total of 20 minutes a day.
  2. Protect your skin. Sun block should be applied on face, neck, arms and hands even in the dead of winter. It protects against climatic toxins too. Moisturize skin daily.
  3. Eat fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products and small amounts of protein. Avoid sweets and other processed foods.
  4. Meditate or spend a minimum of five minutes daily in quiet time.
  5. Find your spiritual self. Discover what inspires you, raises your level of consciousness, motivates you, and satisfies your soul.
  6. Exercise your brain. Read, study, solve problems, and learn new skills. As does the body, the brain atrophies with lack of use.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Food as medicine

HEADACHE? EAT FISH! Eat plenty of fish -- fish oil helps prevent headaches. So does ginger, which reduces inflammation and pain.

HAVE FEVER? EAT YOGURT! Eat lots of yogurt before pollen season. Also-eat honey from your area (local region) daily.

TO PREVENT STROKE DRINK TEA! Prevent buildup of fatty deposits on artery walls with regular doses of tea. (actually, tea suppresses my appetite and keeps the pounds from invading....Green tea is great for our immune system)!

INSOMNIA (CAN'T SLEEP?) HONEY! Use honey as a tranquilizer and sedative.

ASTHMA? EAT ONIONS!!!! Eating onions helps ease constriction of bronchial tubes. (when I was young, my mother would make onion packs to place on our chest, helped the respiratory ailments and actually made us breathe better).

ARTHRITIS? EAT FISH, TOO!! Salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines actually prevent arthritis. (fish has omega oils, good for our immune system)

UPSET STOMACH? BANANAS - GINGER!!!!! Bananas will settle an upset stomach. Ginger will cure morning sickness and nausea.

BLADDER INFECTION? DRINK CRANBERRY JUICE!!!! High-acid cranberry juice controls harmful bacteria.

BONE PROBLEMS? EAT PINEAPPLE!!! Bone fractures and osteoporosis can be prevented by the manganese in pineapple.

PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME? EAT CORNFLAKES!!!! Women can ward off the effects of PMS with cornflakes, which help reduce depression, anxiety and fatigue.

MEMORY PROBLEMS? EAT OYSTERS! Oysters help improve your mental functioning by supplying much-needed zinc.

COLDS? EAT GARLIC! Clear up that stuffy head with garlic. (remember, garlic lowers cholesterol, too.)

COUGHING? USE RED PEPPERS!! A substance similar to that found in the cough syrups is found in hot red pepper. Use red (cayenne) pepper with caution-it can irritate your tummy.

BREAST CANCER? EAT Wheat, bran and cabbage Helps to maintain estrogen at healthy levels.

LUNG CANCER? EAT DARK GREEN AND ORANGE AND VEGGIES!!! A good antidote is beta carotene, a form of Vitamin A found in dark green and orange vegetables.

ULCERS? EAT CABBAGE ALSO!!! Cabbage contains chemicals that help heal both gastric and duodenal ulcers.

DIARRHEA? EAT APPLES! Grate an apple with its skin, let it turn brown and eat it to cure this condition. (Bananas are good for this ailment)

CLOGGED ARTERIES? EAT AVOCADO! Mono unsaturated fat in avocados lowers cholesterol.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? EAT CELERY AND OLIVE OIL!!! Olive oil has been shown to lower blood pressure. Celery contains a chemical that lowers pressure too.

BLOOD SUGAR IMBALANCE? EAT BROCCOLI AND PEANUTS!!! The chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps regulate insulin and blood sugar.

Kiwi: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, Vitamin E &fiber. It's Vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.

Apple: An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low Vitamin C content, it has antioxidants &flavonoids which enhances the activity of Vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack & stroke.

Strawberry: Protective fruit. Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits &protects the body from cancer causing, blood vessels clogging free radicals. (Actually, any berry is good for you..they're high in anti-oxidants and they actually keep us young.........blueberries are the best and very versatile in the health field........they get rid of all the free-radicals that invade our bodies)

Orange: Sweetest medicine. Taking 2 - 4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent & dissolve kidney stones as well as lessen the risk of colon cancer.
Watermelon: Coolest Thirst Quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione which helps boost our immune system. They are also a key source of lycopene - the cancer fighting oxidant. Other nutrients found in watermelon are Vitamin C &Potassium. (watermelon also has natural substances [natural SPF sources] that keep our skin healthy, protecting our skin from those darn suv rays)

Guava &Papaya: Top awards for Vitamin C. They are the clear winners for their high Vitamin C content. Guava is also rich in fiber which helps prevent constipation.
Papaya is rich in carotene, this is good for your eyes. (also good for gas and indigestion)

Tomatoes are very good as a preventative measure for men, keeps those prostrate problems from invading their bodies

Regular health mistakes

All of us make little health mistakes that cause damage to our bodies in the long run - simply because we are unaware we are doing something wrong. Here are some of the most common mistakes made by many of us.

Crossing our legs
Do you cross your legs at your knees when sitting? Although we may believe that this is the lady-like elegant way to sit, sitting this way cuts down circulation to your legs. If you don"t want varicose veins to mar the beauty of your legs and compromise your health, uncross your legs every time you realise you have one knee on top of the other. The best way to sit is to simply place both legs together on the floor, balancing your weight equally. If you feel like changing position, instead of crossing your legs, simply move both legs together to one side. As an alternative, you could also consider crossing your legs loosely at the ankles. This is a classically elegant way to sit, and is far better for your legs and your health than sitting with your legs crossed at your knees.

Not changing our toothbrush
How often do you change your toothbrush? Most of us wait until most of the bristles have either fallen off, or are in such bad shape that we"d be embarrassed to pull out our brush in public. However, since not many of us need to pull out our brush in public, we carry on with our frayed one until we lose it. Replace your toothbrush often. Damaged bristles can harm the enamel, and don"t massage your gums well. If you find brushing your teeth a pain like I do, but know you must do it, you might as well be doing it right. Imagine going through the annoyance of brushing your teeth twice a day only to find out that you"re damaging your enamel every time you clean your teeth. Also, use a brush with soft bristles unless your dentist has advised otherwise.

Eating out often
There are oils that are high in cholesterol, and oils that cause little harm and are better for your heart. However, no matter how light the oil is, it is never a good idea to eat too much of it. Avoid fried foods.Remember that in all probability your favourite Indian food restaurant throws a huge, HUGE chunk of butter in a tiny bowl of dal. Rita, who worked in the kitchen of a 5 star hotel, was shocked when she saw the cook chop a 500gm butter slab in half, and throw half into a Paneer Makhani dish. No wonder the customers left licking their fingers. And no wonder they felt so stuffed and heavy afterwards. Limit outdoor eating unless you know that you"re getting served light and healthy food.

Skipping breakfast
Never, ever skip breakfast. Remember, when you wake up in the morning it"s been around 10-12 hours since your last meal. Your body needs food now, more than at any other time. Eat a heavy breakfast. You will then be busy through the day, and the calories will get expended quickly. If you are trying to diet, eat a light dinner. Here are some more common health mistakes we make. Being informed and making a few changes can help make us feel a whole lot better.

High heels
High heels sure look great, but they're murder for your back. This however doesn't mean you should steer clear of stilettos. Wear them, but not when you know you will be walking around a lot. Wear them when going out for lunch or dinner - when the only walking you will be doing is to your car, to the table, and back. Avoid high heels when you are going somewhere on foot. If you are constantly tempted to wear your heels, take a good look at your flats. Is there something about them you dislike? Invest in a new pair of beautiful flats or shoes with a low heel. Buy something you love, that you will enjoy wearing. If possible, get a matching bag. You will then enjoy your flats as much as you do your heels.

Sleeping on a soft bed
You don't have to sleep on the floor be kind to your back, but do make sure you have a firm mattress. Although a mattress on springs is soft and lovely to sink into, it's bad for your back. If you already have an old bed with springs, you don't need to invest in a new one - simply get a thick wooden plank put over the springs, and place the mattress on the plank. Similarly, if your mattress is old and lumpy, throw it out and get a new one. Your neck and your back will thank you. The same rule applies to sofas. If you will be spending hours on a sofa, get a firm yet comfortable one. Sofas you completely sink into are not the best idea.

No matter how comfortable sleeping with ten cushions is, have pity on your neck and resist. Sleep with one pillow, and make sure it is not too thick. If your pillow gets lumpy, discard it and go for a new one. Get a thin pillow if you sleep on your stomach, and something a little thicker if you sleep on your back, to give your neck adequate support.

Not exercising
So all of us know we should exercise more, but many of us don't. This is a health mistake we consciously make! And why is that? Simply because we refuse to admit the damage we are causing to our bodies by not working out. A number of people only start working out once they've experienced a warning signal. Don't wait for a heart attack to strike before you decide to opt for a lifestyle change. Make the change now. You don't need to train for the marathon to be in top shape. Half an hour of brisk walking three to four times a week will make a world of difference to your health. You could then increase this to forty minutes, four times a week - and you're all set. If you haven't exercised for a week, you're making a mistake.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Be Careful.....

Be Careful when eating apples.

Check before you eat many of the fruits.WAX is being used for preservation purposes and cold storage.You might be surprised especially apples from USA and other parts are more than one year old, though it would look fresh. Becox wax is coated, preventing bacteria to enter. So it does not get dry. Let others also know.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Eye Injuries

You can treat many minor eye irritations by flushing the eye with water, but more serious injuries require medical attention.
Injuries to the eye are the most common preventable cause of blindness, so when in doubt, err on the side of caution and call your doctor for help.
What to Do:
Routine Irritations(sand, dirt, and other foreign bodies on the eye surface)
Wash your hands thoroughly before touching the eyelids to examine or flush the eye.
Do not touch, press, or rub the eye itself, and do whatever you can to keep your child from touching it (a baby can be swaddled as a preventive measure).
Do not try to remove any foreign body except by flushing, because of the risk of scratching the surface of the eye, especially the cornea.
Tilt the child's head over a basin or sink with the affected eye down and gently pull down the lower lid, encouraging the child to open his or her eyes as wide as possible. For an infant or small child, it's helpful to have a second person hold the child's eyes open while you flush.
Gently pour a steady stream of lukewarm water (do not heat the water) from a pitcher or faucet over the eye.
Flush for up to 15 minutes, checking the eye every 5 minutes to see if the foreign body has been flushed out.
Because a particle can scratch the cornea and cause an infection, the eye should be examined by a doctor if there continues to be any irritation afterward.
If a foreign body is not dislodged by flushing, it will probably be necessary for a trained medical professional to flush the eye.
Embedded Foreign Body(an object penetrates or enters the globe of the eye)
If an object, such as a piece of glass or metal, is sticking out of the eye, take the following steps:
Call for emergency medical help.
Cover the affected eye with a small cup taped in place. The point is to keep all pressure off the globe of the eye.
Keep your child (and yourself) as calm and comfortable as possible until help arrives.
Chemical Exposure
Many chemicals, even those found around the house, can damage an eye. If your child gets a chemical in the eye and you know what it is, look on the product's container for an emergency number to call for instructions.
Flush the eye (see above) with lukewarm water for 15 to 30 minutes. If both eyes are affected, flush them in the shower.
Call for emergency medical help.
Call your local poison control center for specific instructions. Be prepared to give the exact name of the chemical, if you have it. However, do not delay flushing the eye first.
Black Eye, Blunt Injury, or Contusion
A black eye is often a minor injury, but it can also appear when there is significant eye injury or head trauma. A visit to the doctor or an eye specialist may be required to rule out serious injury, particularly if you're not certain of the cause of the black eye.
For a black eye:
Apply cold compresses intermittently: 5 to 10 minutes on, 10 to 15 minutes off. If you use ice, make sure it's covered with a towel or sock to protect the delicate skin on the eyelid.
Use cold compresses for 24 to 48 hours, then switch to applying warm compresses intermittently. This will help the body reabsorb the leakage of blood and may help reduce discoloration.
If the child is in pain, give acetaminophen — not aspirin or ibuprofen, which can increase bleeding.
Prop the child's head with an extra pillow at night, and encourage him or her to sleep on the uninjured side of the face (pressure can increase swelling).
Call your doctor, who may recommend an in-depth evaluation to rule out damage to the eye. Call immediately if any of the following symptoms are noted:
increased redness
drainage from the eye
persistent eye pain
any changes in vision
any visible abnormality of the eyeball
visible bleeding on the white part (sclera) of the eye, especially near the cornea

Head Injuries

Head injuries fall into two categories:
external (usually scalp) injuries
internal head injuries, which may involve the skull, the blood vessels within the skull, or the brain
Fortunately, most childhood falls or blows to the head result in injury to the scalp only, which is usually more frightening than threatening. An internal head injury could have more serious implications because the skull serves as the protective helmet for the delicate brain.
External (Scalp) Injury
The scalp is rich with blood vessels, so even a minor cut there can bleed profusely. The "goose egg" or swelling that may appear after a head blow is the result of the scalp's veins leaking fluid or blood into (and under) the scalp. It may take days or even weeks to disappear.
What to look for and what to do:
Call the doctor if your child is an infant; has lost consciousness, even momentarily; or if a child of any age has any of these symptoms:
won't stop crying
complains of head and neck pain
becomes difficult to console
isn't walking normally
If your child is not an infant, has not lost consciousness, and is alert and behaving normally after the fall or blow:
Apply an ice pack or instant cold pack to the injured area for 20 minutes. If you use ice, always wrap it in a washcloth or sock; ice applied directly to bare skin can cause frostbite.
Observe your child carefully for the next 24 hours. If you notice any of the signs of internal injury (see below), call your doctor immediately.
If the incident has occurred close to bedtime or naptime and your child falls asleep soon afterward, check in every few hours to look for twitching limbs or disturbances in color or breathing.
If color and breathing are normal, and you observe or sense no other abnormalities, let your child sleep (unless the doctor has advised otherwise). There's no need to keep a child awake after a head injury.
If color and/or breathing are abnormal, or if you aren't comfortable with your child's appearance (trust your instincts), arouse your child partially by sitting him or her up. Your child should fuss a bit and attempt to resettle. If he or she doesn't protest, try to awaken your child fully. If your child can't be awakened or shows any signs of internal injury (see below), call the doctor or an ambulance.
Suspected Internal Injury
The brain is cushioned by cerebrospinal fluid, but a severe blow to the head may knock the brain into the side of the skull or tear blood vessels. Any internal head injury — fractured skull, torn blood vessels, or damage to the brain itself — can be serious and possibly life threatening.
Different levels of injury require different levels of concern. It can be difficult to determine the level of injury, so it's always wise to discuss a head injury with your doctor. A clear indicator of a more serious injury is when a child loses consciousness or has signs of confusion.
What to Look for and What to Do
Call an ambulance if your child shows any of these symptoms:
abnormal breathing
obvious serious wound or fracture
bleeding or clear fluid from the nose, ear, or mouth
disturbance of speech or vision
pupils of unequal size
weakness or paralysis
neck pain or stiffness
vomiting more than two to three times
loss of bladder or bowel control
If your child is unconscious:
Do not try to move your child in case there is a neck or spine injury.
Call for help.
If you've been trained in CPR, follow the recommendations if they're appropriate.
Turn a child who is vomiting or having a seizure onto his or her side while trying to keep the head and neck straight. This will help prevent choking and provide protection in case of neck and spine injury.
If there's swelling, apply an ice pack or cold pack.
If your child is conscious:
Do your best to keep your child calm and still.
If there's bleeding, apply a sterile bandage.
Do not attempt to cleanse the wound, which may aggravate bleeding and/or cause serious complications if the skull is fractured.
Do not apply direct pressure to the wound if you suspect the skull is fractured.
Do not remove any object that's stuck in the wound.
Concussions are also a type of internal head injury. A concussion is the temporary loss of normal brain function due to an injury. Repeated concussions can result in permanent injury to the brain. However, it's possible to get a concussion that's mild and just requires observation.
One of the most common reasons kids get concussions is through sports, so make sure they wear appropriate protective gear and don't continue to play if they've had a head injury.
If your child sustains an injury to the head, watch for these signs of a possible concussion:
"seeing stars" and feeling dazed, dizzy, or lightheaded
memory loss, such as trouble remembering what happened right before and after the injury
nausea or vomiting
blurred vision and sensitivity to light
slurred speech or saying things that don't make sense
difficulty concentrating, thinking, or making decisions
difficulty with coordination or balance (such as being unable to catch a ball or other easy tasks)
feeling anxious or irritable for no apparent reason
feeling overly tired
If you suspect a concussion, call your doctor for further instructions.
Preventing Head Injuries
It's impossible to prevent kids from ever being injured, but there are ways to help prevent head blows.
Make sure that:
your home is childproofed to prevent household accidents
your kids always wear appropriate headgear and safety equipment when biking, in-line skating, skateboarding, snowboarding or skiing, and playing contact sports. Wearing a bike helmet, for instance, reduces the risk of concussion by about 85%.
kids always use a seat belt or child safety seat
your child takes it easy after a head injury, especially after a concussion, and doesn't go back to rough play or playing sports until the injury has healed. (If your child reinjures the brain while it's still healing, it will take even more time to completely heal. Each time a person has a concussion, it does additional damage.)

Insect Bites - What to do

The two greatest risks from most insect stings and bites are allergic reaction (which may occasionally be fatal) and infection (more likely and less serious).
What to Do:
Bee, Wasp, Hornet, and Yellow Jacket Stings
A bee will leave behind a stinger attached to a venom sac. Try to remove it as quickly as possible. One way is to gently scrape it out with a blunt-edged object, such as a credit card or a dull knife.
Wash the area carefully with soap and water. Do this two to three times a day until the skin is healed.
Apply a cold pack, an ice pack wrapped in a cloth, or a cold, wet washcloth for a few minutes.
Give acetaminophen for pain.
For pain and itching, give an over-the-counter oral antihistamine, if your child's doctor says it's OK; follow dosage instructions for your child's age and weight. You could also apply a corticosteroid cream or calamine lotion to the sting area.
A sting anywhere in the mouth warrants immediate medical attention. That's because stings in the mucous membranes of the mouth can quickly cause severe swelling that may block airways. You should seek medical care if you note a large skin rash, a large area of swelling around the sting site, or if swelling or pain persists for more than 72 hours. You should seek immediate medical care if you notice any of the following signs, which may indicate a serious or even potentially life-threatening allergic reaction:
wheezing or difficulty breathing
tightness in throat or chest
swelling of the lips
dizziness or fainting
nausea or vomiting
Spider Bites
Most spiders found in the United States are harmless, with the exception of the black widow and the brown recluse (or violin) spider. Both of these are found in warm climates.
Wash the area carefully with soap and water. Do this two to three times a day until skin is healed.
Apply cool compresses.
Give acetaminophen for pain.
To protect against infection, apply an antibiotic ointment and keep the child's hands washed.
If you have any reason to suspect your child has been bitten by a black widow or brown recluse spider, apply ice to the bite site and head for the emergency room. Symptoms include:
a deep blue or purple area around the bite, surrounded by a whitish ring and a large outer red ring
body rash
muscle spasms, tightness, and stiffness
abdominal pain
headache or fever
general feeling of sickness
lack of appetite
joint pain
nausea or vomiting
In the southwest United States, an unidentified bite may be caused by a scorpion. Take your child to the emergency room immediately.
Tick Bites
Check your children and pets for ticks carefully after you've been in or around a wooded area. Common types of ticks include dog ticks and deer ticks (deer ticks may be carriers of Lyme disease).
If you find a tick on your child:
Call your child's doctor. The doctor may want you to save the tick after removal (you can put it in a jar of alcohol to kill it).
Use tweezers to grasp the tick firmly at its head or mouth, next to your child's skin.
Pull firmly and steadily on the tick until it lets go, then swab the bite site with alcohol.
Don't use petroleum jelly or a lit match to kill and remove a tick.

Dehydration - What to do

Under normal conditions, we all lose some body water every day in our sweat, tears, urine, and stools. Water also evaporates from our skin and leaves the body as vapor when we breathe. We usually replace this body fluid and the salts it contains with the water and salts in our regular diet.
Sometimes, however, children lose abnormally large amounts of water and salts through fever (more water evaporates from the body when body temperature is increased), diarrhea, vomiting, or long periods of exercise with excessive sweating. Some illnesses might also prevent children from taking fluids by mouth. If they're unable to adequately replace the fluid that's been lost, kids can become dehydrated.
Recognizing Dehydration
If your child has fever, diarrhea, or vomiting, or is sweating a lot on a hot day or during intense physical activity, you should watch for signs of dehydration, which can include:
dry or sticky mouth
few or no tears when crying
eyes that look sunken into the head
soft spot (fontanelle) on top of baby's head that looks sunken
lack of urine or wet diapers for 6 to 8 hours in an infant (or only a very small amount of dark yellow urine)
lack of urine for 12 hours in an older child (or only a very small amount of dark yellow urine)
dry, cool skin
lethargy or irritability
fatigue or dizziness in an older child
Preventing Dehydration
The best way to prevent dehydration is to make sure kids gets plenty of fluids, whether they're sick or just physically active. In other words, you need to make sure that they're consuming more fluids than they're losing (from vomiting, diarrhea, or sweating).
The way you should keep a child adequately hydrated will differ depending on the circumstances. For example, a child with a sore throat may become dehydrated due to difficulty drinking or eating. Easing the pain with acetaminophen or ibuprofen may help. Cold drinks or popsicles can also soothe a burning throat while supplying fluids at the same time.
Infants with blocked noses who have trouble feeding can be helped by flushing their nostrils with saltwater, or saline, nose drops and suctioning out the mucus with a bulb syringe.
Fever, which can be a factor in dehydration in any infectious disease, can be controlled with medications or room-temperature sponge baths and dressing the child in light clothing.
On hot, dry, and windy days, it's important that children drink often. Those who participate in sports or strenuous activities should also drink some extra fluid before the activity begins. They should also drink at regular intervals (every 20 minutes) during the course of the activity and after the activity ends.
Thirst is not a good early indicator of dehydration. By the time a child feels thirsty, he or she may already be dehydrated. And thirst can be quenched before the necessary body fluids have been replaced. That's why it's recommended to start drinking before thirst develops and to drink some additional fluid even after thirst is quenched. Sports practices and competitions should be scheduled in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid the hottest part of the day.
Children with mild gastroenteritis (an infection, sometimes called the "stomach flu," that can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) who aren't dehydrated should continue to eat normally but should be encouraged to drink additional fluid to replace fluid losses. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, recent studies have shown that most children with gastroenteritis can safely eat a regular age-appropriate diet while they're sick. In fact, feeding a regular diet to children who have diarrhea may even reduce the duration of diarrhea, while offering proper nutrition at the same time. Infants with mild gastroenteritis who aren't dehydrated should continue to drink breast milk or regular-strength formula. Older children may continue to drink full-strength milk.
Foods that are usually well tolerated by children with gastroenteritis who aren't dehydrated include: complex carbohydrates (such as rice, wheat, potatoes, bread, and cereals), lean meats, yogurt, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid fatty foods or foods high in simple sugars (including juices and soft drinks). If the child is vomiting and isn't dehydrated, give fluids frequently, but in small amounts.

Smoking: Steps to Help You Break the Habit

Why does it seem so hard to stop smoking?
Smoking causes changes in your body and in the way you act. The changes in your body are caused by an addiction to nicotine. The changes in the way you act developed over time as you bought cigarettes, lit them and smoked them. These changes have become your smoking habit.

When you have a smoking habit, many things seem to go along with having a cigarette. These might include having a cup of coffee or an alcoholic drink, being stressed or worried, talking on the phone, driving, socializing with friends or wanting something to do with your hands.

How can I stop smoking?
You'll have the best chance of stopping if you do the following:
Get ready.
Get support and encouragement.
Learn how to handle stress and the urge to smoke.
Get medication and use it correctly.
Be prepared for relapse.

How should I get ready to stop smoking?
Set a stop date 2 to 4 weeks from now so you'll have time to get ready. Write down your personal reasons for stopping. Be specific. Keep your list with you so you can look at it when you feel the urge to smoke.
To help you understand your smoking habit, keep a diary of when and why you smoke. Using information from this diary, you and your doctor can make a plan to deal with the things that make you want to smoke.
Just before your stop date, get rid of all of your cigarettes, matches, lighters and ashtrays.
How can I get support and encouragement?
Tell your family and friends what kind of help you need. Their support will make it easier for you to stop smoking. Also, ask your family doctor to help you develop a plan for stopping smoking. He or she can give you information on telephone hotlines or self-help materials that can be very helpful. Your doctor can also recommend a stop-smoking program. These programs are often held at local hospitals or health centers.
Give yourself rewards for stopping smoking. For example, with the money you save by not smoking, buy yourself something special.

What about stress and my urges to smoke?
You may have a habit of using cigarettes to relax during stressful times. Luckily, there are good ways to manage stress without smoking. Relax by taking a hot bath, going for a walk, or breathing slowly and deeply. Think of changes in your daily routine that will help you resist the urge to smoke. For example, if you used to smoke when you drank coffee, drink hot tea instead.

What will happen when I stop smoking?
How you feel when you stop depends on how much you smoked, how addicted your body is to nicotine and how well you get ready to stop smoking. You may crave a cigarette or feel hungrier than usual. You may feel edgy and have trouble concentrating. You also may cough more at first and you may have headaches.
These things happen because your body is used to nicotine. They are called nicotine withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms are strongest during the first few days after you stop smoking, but most go away within a few weeks.

What about nicotine replacement or medicine to help me stop smoking?
Nicotine replacement products are ways to take in nicotine without smoking. These products come in several forms: gum, patch, nasal spray, inhaler and lozenge. You can buy the nicotine gum, patch and lozenge without a prescription from your doctor. Nicotine replacement works by lessening your body’s craving for nicotine and reducing withdrawal symptoms. This lets you focus on the changes you need to make in your habits and environment. Once you feel more confident as a nonsmoker, dealing with your nicotine addiction is easier.
A prescription medicine called bupropion SR (brand names: Zyban, Wellbutrin SR) helps some people stop smoking. It is taken as a pill. Bupropion SR does not contain nicotine, but it helps you resist your urges to smoke.
Talk to your doctor about which of these products is likely to give you the best chance of success. For any of these products to work, you must carefully follow the directions on the package. It's very important that you don't smoke while using nicotine replacement products.

Will I gain weight when I stop smoking?
Most people gain a few pounds after they stop smoking. Remember that any weight gain is a minor health risk compared to the risks of smoking. Dieting while you're trying to stop smoking will cause unnecessary stress. Instead, limit your weight gain by having healthy, low-fat snacks on hand and exercising on a regular basis.

What if I smoke again?
Don't feel like a failure. Think about why you smoked and what you can do to keep from smoking again. Set a new stop date. Many ex-smokers did not succeed at first, but they kept trying.
The first few days after stopping will probably be the hardest. Just remember that even one puff on a cigarette can cause a relapse, so don't risk it.

The Flu and Colds: Tips on Feeling Better

How can I tell if I have a cold or the flu?
A cold and the flu cause many of the same symptoms. But a cold is generally mild, while the flu tends to be more severe.
A cold often starts with feeling tired, sneezing, coughing and having a runny nose. You may not have a fever or you may run a low fever--just 1 or 2 degrees higher than usual. You may also have muscle aches, a scratchy or sore throat, watery eyes and a headache.
The flu starts suddenly and hits hard. You'll probably feel weak and tired, and have a fever, dry cough, a runny nose, chills, muscle aches, severe headache, eye pain and a sore throat. It usually takes longer to get over the flu than a cold.
What causes colds and the flu?
Viruses. Over 100 different viruses can cause colds. There aren't as many viruses that cause the flu. That's why there's a shot for the flu and not for colds.

Should I take medicine for a cold or the flu?
No medicine can cure a cold or the flu. Medicine can, however, help relieve some of your cold or flu symptoms. Check with your doctor before giving any medicine to children.

What about prescription medicines for the flu?
Some prescription medicines can relieve flu symptoms. These medicines may help reduce the severity of symptoms if they are started soon after you begin to get sick.
These medicines come as pills or as an inhaler. The inhaled type may cause problems for some people with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Depression: You Don't Have to Feel This Way

What is depression?
When doctors talk about depression, they mean the medical illness called major depression. Someone with major depression has symptoms like those listed in the box below nearly every day, all day, for 2 weeks or longer.
If you're depressed, you may also have headaches, other aches and pains, digestive problems and problems with sex. An older person with depression may feel confused or have trouble understanding simple requests.
What causes depression?
Depression seems to be related to a chemical imbalance in the brain that makes it hard for the cells to communicate with one another. Depression also seems to be genetic (to run in families).
Depression can be linked to events in your life, such as the death of someone you love, a divorce or job loss. Taking certain medicines, abusing drugs or alcohol, or having other illnesses can also lead to depression. Depression isn't caused by personal weakness, laziness or lack of willpower.
How is depression diagnosed?
If you're having symptoms of depression, be sure to tell your doctor so you can get help. Don't expect your doctor to be able to guess that you're depressed just by looking at you. The sooner you seek treatment, the sooner the depression will lift.
Once you tell your doctor how you're feeling, he or she may ask you some questions about your symptoms, about your health and about your family history of health problems. Your doctor may also give you a physical exam and do some tests.
How is depression treated?
Depression can be treated with medicines, or a special type of counseling called psychotherapy, or with both.
What about medicines?
Many medicines can be used to treat depression. These medicines are called antidepressants and they work very well. They correct the chemical imbalance in the brain that causes depression.
Antidepressants work differently for different people. They also have different side effects. So, even if one medicine bothers you or doesn't work for you, another may help. You may notice improvement as soon as 1 week after you start taking the medicine. But you probably won't see the full effects for about 6 to 8 weeks. You may have side effects at first but they tend to lessen after a couple of weeks.
How long will I need medicine?
How long you'll need to take the medicine depends on your depression. Your doctor may want you to take medicine for 4 to 6 months or longer. You need to take the medicine long enough to reduce the chance that the depression will come back. Talk with your doctor about any questions you have about your medicine.
What is psychotherapy?
In psychotherapy, you talk with your family doctor, a psychiatrist or a therapist about things that are going on in your life. The focus may be on your thoughts and beliefs or on your relationships. Or the focus may be on your behavior, how it's affecting you and what you can do differently. Psychotherapy often lasts for a limited time, such as 8 to 20 visits.
Will I need to go to the hospital?
Depression can usually be treated through visits to your doctor. Treatment in the hospital may be needed if you have other medical conditions that could affect your treatment or if you're at high risk of suicide.
How long will the depression last?
This depends on how soon you get help. Left untreated, depression can last for weeks, months or even years. The main risk in not getting treatment is suicide. Treatment can help depression lift in 6 to 8 weeks, or less.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Top 5 Foods for Healthy Life

A host of healthy, natural foods offer potent healing and preventative powers to remedy a wide range of skin troubles. These foods can dramatically improve skin for a fraction of the price of costly cosmetics or dermatologist visits:

Green Tea -- Green tea is rich in antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect cell membranes. It has been proven to reduce the damage of sunburns and overexposure to ultraviolet light, which in turn reduces the risk of skin cancer. Green tea is also high in polyphenols -- compounds that eliminate cancer-causing free radicals.
Recent research by scientists at the Medical College of Georgia shows that the polyphenol most abundant in green tea -- EGCG -- also acts as a "fountain of youth" of sorts for skin by reactivating dying skin cells. In addition to its skin-healthy properties, green tea is also high in vitamins C, D and K, as well as riboflavin, zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron.

Salmon -- Salmon -- along with other fatty fish, walnuts and flaxseed -- is high in healthy fatty acids that are key for achieving healthy skin. Essential fatty acids such as omega-3s help keep cell membranes healthy by keeping out harmful substances as well as allowing nutrients to enter cells and exit with waste products. Omega-3s also reduce the body's production of inflammatory agents that can damage the skin.
Increasing consumption of omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods such as salmon will help keep the skin supple and youthful. A 1:1 ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3s is ideal, but the ratio in the typical American diet is more like 20:1, so boosting consumption of salmon and other oily fish can help bring that ratio closer to 1:1. Salmon is also rich in protein, potassium, selenium and vitamin B12.

Blueberries -- Blueberries are considered by many experts to be the highest food source of antioxidants, which target free radicals that can wreak havoc on skin cells. The antioxidants and phytochemicals (plant sources of nutrition) in blueberries neutralize DNA-damaging free radicals, reducing cell damage. When skin cells are protected from damage and disintegration, the skin looks younger for longer. Blueberries are also an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber, vitamin C, manganese, vitamin E and riboflavin.

Carrots -- Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, which is a required nutrient for healthy skin. They also contain high levels of antioxidants, which prevent free radical damage of skin cells. Vitamin A is required for developing and maintaining skin cells, and a deficiency of the vitamin can cause dry skin. Carrots are also a superior source of fiber, biotin, vitamins K, C and B6, potassium and thiamine.

Water -- Drinking plenty of water -- at least your individual minimum intake -- will help keep your skin young and healthy-looking. Water in caffeinated or sugary beverages does not count; water intake must be from pure, clean water, which rejuvenates skin cells. Water both hydrates cells and helps them move toxins out and nutrients in. Nutrition expert Liz Lipski, PhD, CCN, says when the body is properly hydrated, it sweats more efficiently, which helps keep the skin clean and clear.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Diseases Cured By Drinking Water

Dinking 6 glasses of water (1.5 litres). Without spending on medicines, tablets, injections, diagnosis, doctor's fees, etc., just by drinking pure water, the following diseases will be cured. You can never believe before practicing.
Let us see the list of diseases being cured by this therapy:-
Diseases cured by Drinking water:
1. Headache
2. Blood Pressure/Hyper Tension
3. Anemia (Blood Shortage)
4. Rheumatism (Pain in joints/ muscles)
5. General Paralysis
6. Obesity
7. Arthritis
8. Sinusitis
9. Tachycardia
10. Giddiness
11. Cough
12. Asthma
13. Bronchitis
14. Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB)
15. Meningitis
16. Kidney stones
17. Urogenital diseases
18. Hyper acidity
19. Gastroenteritis
20. Dysentery
21. Rectal Piodapse
22. Constipation
23. Hostorthobics
24. Diabetes
25. Eye diseases
26. Ophthalmic Hemorrhage & Opthalmia (reddish eye)
27. Irregular Menstruation
28. Leukemia (white Blood)
29. Uterine cancer
30. Laryngitis

How to do this water therapy?
1) Early morning after you get up from bed (without even brushing your teeth) drink 1.50 litres of water i.e., 5 to 6 glasses. Better to pre-measure 1.50 litres of water.

2) Here it is very essential to note that nothing else - neither drinks nor solid food of any sort - should be taken within one hour before or after drinking this 1.50 litres of water.
3) It is also to be strictly observed that no Alcoholic drinks should be taken the previous night.
4) If required, boiled or filtered water may be used for this purpose.
5) Is it possible to drink 1.50 litres of water at one time? To begin with, one may find it difficult to drink 1.50 litres of water at one time, but one will get used to it gradually. Initially, while practicing you may drink four glasses first and the balance two glasses after a gap of two minutes. Initially you may find the necessity to urinate 2 to 3 times within an hour, but it will become normal after sometime.

By research and experience, the following diseases are observed to be cured with this therapy within the indicated days as below:
> Constipation 1 day
> Acidity 2 days
> Diabetes 7 days
> BP & Hypertension 4 weeks
> Cancer 4 weeks
> Pulmonary TB 3 months

How does pure water act?
Consuming ordinary drinking water by the right method purifies human body. It renders the colon more effective by forming new fresh blood, known in medical terms as Haematopaises. That the mucousal folds of the colon and intestines are activated by this method, is an undisputed fact, just as the theory that fresh blood is produced by the mucousal fold. If the colon is cleaned then the nutrients of the food taken several times a day will be absorbed and by the action of the mucousal folds they are turned into fresh blood. The blood is all-important in curing ailments and restoring health, and for this water should be consumed in a regular pattern. We make an earnest request that the above method should be read and practiced carefully.

Drinking Water Is Key to Kidney Stone Prevention

Staying hydrated in the summer is important for many reasons, including prevention of kidney stones, says Dr. Gary Faerber, associate professor of urology at the University of Michigan Health System.

A lack of fluid can lead to the development of kidney stones, and typical summer physical activities can shake loose kidney stones and result in painful symptoms.

"One of the best ways to prevent kidney stones is to stay hydrated throughout the entire 24-hour period. I recommend may patients have at least six to eight glasses of water a day, and I ask them to make sure that they spread that throughout the entire day and up until night time. This is important year-round but especially important in the summer months," Faerber said in a prepared statement.

"It is very important for people to be aware of how to prevent kidney stones because many people -- about 13 percent of men and 7 percent of women -- will have kidney stones sometime in their lives," he added.

Faerber offered the following tips on reducing your risk of developing kidney stones:

Drink plenty of water.
Reduce your consumption of soda and iced tea, which contain an acid called oxalate that can increase the risk of certain kinds of kidney stones.
Exercise and lose weight. The large number of sedentary and overweight people in the United States is a major factor in the increasing rate of kidney stones in the country.
Drink lemonade, but not the powdery mix. Real lemonade has been shown to reduce the risk of kidney stones.
Ask your doctor about medications that can help prevent kidney stones.
Ask your doctor if you should continue taking calcium supplements, which may increase the risk of kidney stones.
People with highly acidic urine may have to eat less meat, fish and poultry -- foods that increased the amount of acid in the urine. Discuss this with your doctor.

Drinking Warm Water

This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about heart attacks . The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating.

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine . Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer . It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks - You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.

You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Health Facts of Blood Type

There are four blood types in humans: A, B, AB and O:
- Type O represents approximately 50% of the population of the world;
- Type A 40%;
- Type B around 8% and
- Type AB less than 2%

Blood Type O
Blood type O is the thinnest blood and it is responsible for the strongest immune systems (with the exception of some diseases), Individuals with blood type O have strongest stomach acid and live longest of all blood types at present. Genetically, strongest stomach acid was needed to break down the high protein diets(animal protein was one of our original food source) on which our original ancestors thrived.
A negative side effect of strong stomach acid is that it can lead to ulcers when no food is available, or when food is not eaten at regular intervals. Since the ancestors of type O were hunters, descendants carrying this gene tend to be larger, stronger individuals. If you check the blood type of American Indian or Eskimos, who were and in some cases still are, hunters almost all of them are blood type O.
Although Type O has a strong immune system, they are more susceptible to certain diseases such as typhoid, cholera, smallpox, malaria and plague. These diseases are eradicated from first world countries but still exist in third world countries and that's why you don't find many type O individuals over there. Individuals with type O blood lack several blood clotting factors. For this reason, it is suggested that they eat food rich in vitamin K such as spinach and egg yolk. Due to the fact that type O blood is thinnest, it is lot more difficult for plaque to build up in arteries and it reduces the incidence of heart disease in type Os until later years. This is not to say that individuals of type O blood do not get heart disease or cancer, but research indicates the onset of heart disease is later than for all other blood types. Type O individuals are more susceptible to blood disorders such as hemophilia and leukemia. Artheritis or swelling and inflammation of the joints is also an area of concerns for type O individuals. Whether it is their thin blood, that tends to be protective against heart disease until later in life, or the fact that cancer is not as likely to attack this blood group, the statistics of longevity are clearly in favor of the Os.

Blood Type A
The first mutation from type O was A. Individual of type A have the thickest blood of all type. There are two types(A1 and A2). Since A2 is partial mutation of Type O, individuals of this trait carry much of the muscle genetics of Os and can eat a variety of animal protein that A1 can not tolerate. Vast majority of type A individuals are A1. Type A1 must avoid all animal proteins in favor of vegetarian diet. Meat eating type A2 individuals develop heart disease early and while they look strong physically, internally they are ticking time bombs. In United States, due to the meat enriched diet, Type A individuals live shortest life span today. When Type As continue to east meat diet that is inconsistent with their blood enzymes, aggulutination or thickening of their already thick blood takes place and disaster follows. Type A are more susceptible to heart disease and cancer. But there is one exception. In Japan, where people east a staple of fish, rice and green tea - the perfect diet for type A individuals. In fact Japanese life span is longer, as a country, than any other.
When the type As eat animal fat, meat or diary food inconsistent with their blood type - their already thick blood agglutinates or get thicker and stickier. The thick blood requires the heart to pump harder, inevitably causing high blood pressure and enlarged heart muscle, and an increase in heart disease. Also, type A has very low stomach acid by genetc standards. Researchers agree that most cancers are type A related and when they eat meat diet, there are overwhelming number of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and cancer cases. Type A individuals seem to be affected more by stress than any other blood groups. Stress is attributed as a great killer of type As.
Due to all these factors, individuals of type A blood are at higher risk for heart disease and cancer. Type A individuals should follow vegetarian diet with nutritional supplements such as vitamin E, resveratrol(plentiful in red wine and grape juice), which prevents clots from forming and appears to inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol that offers protection from both heart disease and cancer. In addtion, Type As should incorporate green tea, soybeans and tofu in their regular diets. These provide numerous antioxidants and estrogen that research has shown inhibit cancer.

Blood Type B
Type B is the third mutation through man's adaptation after type O and A. Type B blood is not as thin as type O blood, nor it is as thick as type A blood. For the most part type B can eat meat in moderation without great fear of developing heart disease. Although meat is not type B's best food, it is not particularly harmful either. On the other hand, type B individuals have the ability to eat and metabolize dairy products, which both type O and A do not tolerate well at all.
It is believed that improper foods, or the improper metabolism of specific foods, lowers the immune system of type Bs and makes them susceptible to auto-immune diseases. Some of these are life threatening, others just cause untold misery for life.
Another aspect of type B individuals that surprised researchers is the intelligence level. Almost all the type B individuals interviewed were highly intelligent. As a group they were deep thinking individuals who appeared to see the world from a slightly different viewpoint. Although they are obviously bright, they tend to be more introvert and disliked by other blood types. In spite of this, percentage-wise there are more B millionaires than any other blood type.
Type B individuals average second longest lifespan after type Os. This is probably due to the fact that animal protein, which contains all the essential amino acids, is good food for Bs. Additionally, since type Bs can eat a large variety of foods, they are able to acquire all or most of their essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids from food more easily than type As and ABs.
Research indicates that most type Bs are healthy with some unique medical problems. A large proportion of type B individuals tend to suffer from multiple sclerosis, skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema and fungus. Another problem that keeps popping up for type Bs is foot problem of one kind or another. Numerous subjects had required food surgery, or had problems with their feet that were painful and made everyday walking difficult.

Blood Type AB
Type AB is the only blood type that did not evolve in the same way as other blood types. While the other blood types have been around for thousands of years, Type AB has been in existence for only about 2,000 years. The genetic mistry of this blood type is complex. While the other blood types evolved because of change of environment and food availability, type AB did not.
It is believed that type AB is the result of mixing type A and B. However, since both A and B are dominant genes, genetically speaking, the offspring should have been A or B. Usually mutation come about to gurantee the survival of the species and that might well be the reason for AB mutation. Proponent of this theory would argue that Type AB is less susceptible to all the diseases that strike Os the hardest, and as such, this is nature's way of evolving to ensure the survival of the species. AB represents about 2% of the population worldwide.
On positve side type AB usually has engaging personality, keen mind and are very charismatic. Type AB possessed qualities quite unique as they all influence people in positive way. On average most ABs are likable, outgoing, gregarious and intelligent people at work and play. They are very self-confident and assertive individuals. On the negative side, type ABs are susceptible to both type A & B illnesses. Women of this blood type usually have many menstrual problems such as excessive bleeding, clotting, cramping and irregular menstrual cycles. Additionally, many women also experience migraine. Studies also suggest that type ABs individuals often suffer from harmonal imbalance more than others.
Eating properly for an AB requires guidlines similar to As, but with small amounts of animal protein. Like As, type ABs should acquire their vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids through plants and vegetables. ABs shoul also incorporate green tea, soybeans, and tofu in their diet.

~~If you caring for your health~~

  1. Answer the phone by LEFT ear
  2. Do not drink coffee TWICE a day
  3. Do not take pills with COOL water
  4. Do not have HUGE meals after 5pm
  5. Reduce the amount of TEA you consume
  6. Reduce the amount of OILY food you consume
  7. Drink more WATER in the morning, less at night
  8. Keep your distance from hand phone CHARGERS
  9. Do not use headphones/earphone for LONG period of time
  10. Best sleeping time is from 10pm at night to 6am in the morning
  11. Do not lie down immediately after taking medicine before sleeping
  12. .When battery is down to the LAST grid/bar, do not answer the phone as the radiation is 1000 times

How to stop cough in 5 minutes!!!

This is a must try....
We have all been kept awake by our own or someone else's cough. Try this and pass it on. The tip and not the cough. ANYTHING is better than antibiotics. Even babies could benefit from this and the parents wouldn't worry about the safety of their child. And of course, it is harmless and free from any type of side-effects.WOW! I was raised, and raised my kids with Vicks. How come I never knew this? I can't wait for my next cough. Amazing!READ IT ALL. It works 100 percent of the time, although the scientists at the Canada Research council (who discovered it) aren't sure why.


To stop night time coughing in a child (or an *****, as we found out personally), put Vicks Vapor Rub generously on the bottom of the feet at bedtime and then cover with socks.
Even persistent, heavy, deep coughing will stop in about five minutes and stay stopped for many, many hours of relief. This works 100 percent of the time, and is more effective in children than even very strong prescription cough medicines. In addition it is extremely soothing and comforting and they will sleep soundly. I heard the head of the Canada Research Council describe these findings on the part of their scientists when they were investigating the effectiveness and usage of prescription cough medicines in children, as compared to alternative therapies like acupressure. I just happened to tune in to a.m. Radio and picked up this guy talking about why cough medicines in kids often do more harm than good due to the chemical makeup of these strong drugs, so I listened. It was a surprising finding and found to be more effective than prescribed medicines for children at bedtime, and in addition to have a soothing and calming effect on sick children who then went on to sleep soundly.
My friend tried it on herself when she had a very deep constant and persistent cough a few weeks ago, and it worked 100 percent! She said it felt like a warm blanket had enveloped her. The coughing stopped in a few minutes, and believe me this was a deep (incredibly annoying!) every few seconds, uncontrollable cough and she slept cough-free for hours every night she used it.
If you have children or grandchildren, pass it on. If you end up sick, try it yourself and you will be absolutely amazed.
How to stop cough in 5 minutes!!! This is a must try...
Don't waste time regretting or expecting too much in your life..Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.But Today is a gift - and that is why it is called the PRESENT.

Importance of Fruits in Diet

Fruits, fresh or dried have been natural staple diet of human being since ancient times. Replete with minerals, vitamins, enzymes, they are easily digestible. Fruits are not only good source as food, they are serve as medicine and treat ailments.
Fruits, eaten raw or consumed as fresh juice are an excellent way to retain and balance moisture level in a body. The low level of sodium in fruits plays an important role for people who avail of salt free diet. So pregnant ladies eat 2-3 helpings of fresh fruits in a day.
Dry fruits like apricots, raisins and dates are a storehouse of calcium, iron, essential for strengthening of bones and good blood respectively. Custard apple too is an excellent calcium source. If you are unwell, consume fruits in the form of fresh juice only. One or two fruit a day cleans the digestive tract and aids easy bowel action.
Guavas, custard apples, lemons and oranges are effective sources of vitamin C. When eaten fresh and raw, they provide all vitamins. Papaya is an excellent source of Vitamin C and carotene, which converts to Vitamin A in the body.
Consume fruit in raw and ripe form. Avoid cooking as there is loss of nutrient salts and carbohydrates. It is ideal to eat one kind of fruit at a time. Many prefer to take fruits in breakfast with milk. It is advisable to avoid a combination of fruits and vegetable. In case you need to combine fruits with vegetables, opt for larger portions of fruits.
Fruits like apple, lemon, orange and pomegranate aid in proper functioning of the heart. Nutrients in apple, date and mangoes sharpens memory, prevents exhaustion, hysteria, insomnia and mental tension.
All forms of berries are rich in iron, phosphorus and sodium that are beneficial for blood building and nerve strengthening. Lemons are good for liver ailments, indigestion and rheumatism. Watermelons are good kidney cleansers. Pineapple, pomegranates help in soothing inflammation of nose, throat, hay fever and other chronic or bronchial ailments. Grapefruit juice is an effective aid for common cold. Fresh and ripe fruits like grapes, apples, bananas and figs are good for all brain deficiencies. Even the kernel of walnut is a helpful remedy for weakness of the brain.
Eating liberal amount of fruits daily ensures a healthy energetic life and active life lifetime.
Kevin Pederson manages websites on nutrition, diet and health. A nutritious diet ensures well being, helps to maintain a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI), reduces the risk of several debilitating diseases like cancer, diabetes, stroke, etc.

Top 10 Causes of Death - so be careful

Heart disease and stroke were the leading causes of death in 2001, regardless of countries' incomes, the study shows. However, other leading causes of death differed depending on countries' incomes. Here is the list for high-income countries:
  1. Heart disease
  2. Stroke
  3. Lung cancer
  4. Lower respiratory infections
  5. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  6. Colon and rectum cancers
  7. Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
  8. Type 2 diabetes
  9. ****** cancer
  10. Stomach cancer

Here is the list for low- and middle-income countries:
  1. Heart disease
  2. Stroke
  3. Lower respiratory infections
  5. Fetus/newborn (perinatal) conditions
  6. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  7. Diarrhea
  8. Tuberculosis
  9. Malaria
  10. Road traffic accidents

7 Tips For An Easy And Balanced Diabetes Diet

It is often thought that diabetics need a special diet and that they have to cut out certain food items altogether, or replace them with special "Diabetic" items purchased from health food stores. This is not the case and is nothing more than a clever marketing ploy. In reality, diabetics can eat exactly the same food as everybody else.
Because diabetes is a metabolic disorder and requires the sufferer to control of glucose levels in the blood, diabetics do need to pay careful attention to their diet and must ensure that their diet is correctly balanced.
So, what sort of foods should diabetics be selecting when it comes to creating a balanced diet? Well, here are 7 suggestions:
  1. Include a wide range of fruit and vegetables and avoid sticking to just your two or three favorites. One good test to apply to fruit and vegetables is the color test, which simply means that you should try to eat fruit and vegetables that span the colors of the rainbow. So, include a wide range such as bananas, oranges, apples, red cabbage, carrots and beans. Also, include vegetables which are either low in starch or starch-free, such as broccoli and spinach.
  2. Wherever possible try to eat whole grain rather than processed food and choose things like whole wheat spaghetti and brown rather than white rice.
  3. Add fish to your diet at least two times a week. Fish is an excellent source of protein and also contains a number of essential oils. Try to avoid frying fish, especially in batter, and boil, steam, bake or grill fish instead.
  4. Choose lean cuts of meat and bake, grill, roast, braise or stew meat in preference to frying it. When buying meat choose cuts that include the word "loin" such as pork loin or sirloin. When cooking wildfowl and poultry remove the skin before serving and steer clear of particularly fatty meats such as duck.
  5. Choose non-fat dairy products such as skimmed milk as well as non-fat cheese and yoghurt. Many people find that these products, although they are a very healthy option, simply any real taste. If you find that this is the case then try to meet the problem half way by choosing low-fat rather than non-fat products and compensate for this by using them sparingly in your diet.
  6. Avoid high calorie sweetened drinks and carbonated drinks and try to drink more water and natural fruit juices. Also be careful not to drink too much coffee or tea and add only as much sugar as in needed for taste. You'll be surprised by just how easy it is to cut out sugar altogether if you put your mind to it and you'll end up enjoying tea and coffee just as much as you did before.
  7. Finally, cut back on desserts and, while it's alright to eat cake and ice-cream occasionally try to include these in your diet only once or twice a week rather than every day. Also, try to wean yourself away from full cream ice-cream and cakes to lower fat alternatives.
    If by this stage you're thinking that this looks like a normal healthy eating routine then you're quite right. There is no such thing as a "diabetic diet" and all that you need to do to control diabetes in terms of diet is to adopt a simple and sensible habit of eating a good balance of healthy foods.