Saturday, January 25, 2014

The worst foods for your abs......

Cultivating a perfect washboard stomach is all about eating the right foods (high in protein, low in fat) and exercising regularly.

But what you don't put into your body is just as important.

There are some foods which are so nutritionally vacuous they prevent lean muscle growth and promote the storage of stubborn fat - making it particularly hard to shed the muffin-top and develop gorgeous, toned abs. 

Here is our list of foods to avoid if you want to keep your belly at bay.

Trans fats

There aren't many food types we would recommend completely eliminating from your diet, but trans fats - found in margarines, cakes, biscuits and fried food - is one of them.

Banned in some countries, trans fats cause weight gain that is notoriously hard to shift, and research carried out at Wake Forest University in the US found that diets rich in this evil fat can cause a redistribution of fat tissue to the abdomen, leaving you with a nasty case of wobbly belly syndrome.

White bread

On average a slice of white bread contains just 1g of fat, so it couldn't possibly be responsible for that extra weight around your midriff, could it? Well yes, in fact. Refined carbohydrates like white bread and white rice can lead to more belly fat, according to the experts.

Research carried out at Tufts University in the US found that people who follow a diet rich in non-processed carbs such as fruit, vegetables, legumes and wholegrain breads and cereals gain less belly fat than those regularly chowing down on 'bad' carbs like white bread.

Fizzy drinks

King of the empty calorie beverages, however, is fizzy drinks. Numerous studies confirm what most experts have believed for years; soft drinks are a direct cause of excessive weight gain. 

One piece of research by the International Obesity Task Force found that just one soda a day could equate to putting on a stone in a year. One can of fizzy cola contains seven teaspoons of sugar (seven!) and substituting your daily can for a healthier option of water will save you over 50,000 calories a year... and a lot of time doing crunches.

Fatty cuts of meat

Lean cuts of meat, such as fillet or rump steak, are full of protein and low in fat, which means they are good for promoting lean muscle growth - exactly what you need for a washboard stomach.

To keep your abs solid, avoid fattier meats like sirloin steak, bacon and mince with high fat content (check the packaging in the supermarket). You should also trim the fatty skin from chicken.


Many of us make the mistake of assuming that pasta (and other carbs like baked potatoes) are suitable diet foods, because they are low in fat. In some ways, they are, but only if you are using them to good effect by exercising regularly.

Pasta is an excellent source of energy if you are working up a sweat, as often as you should be (at least 30 mins five times a week for adults), otherwise it could merely leave you looking decidedly soft and round.

Artificial sweeteners

It may sound counterintuitive, but research suggests that artificial sweeteners may lead to weight gain rather than weight loss. Scientists at Purdue University in the US believe that a sweet taste followed by no calories makes the body crave more food.

Other experts have suggested that consuming products sweetened with a sugar substitute leads us to believe that we can eat more later to compensate. Honestly, you're better off with real sugar.

Full fat dairy

Dairy products such as cheese, butter and milk - despite being important sources of bone-strengthening calcium - are rich in fat and calories, and too much of them in your diet will do nothing for your body fat percentage.

A 100g slab of your average cheddar cheese contains around 37g of fat, so limit your intake and make sure you only buy semi-skimmed or, even better (if you can stand the taste), skimmed milk.

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