Friday, March 27, 2009


Coconut is such a wonderful thing and has so many healing qualities. Eating coconut can boost your state of health and vitality tremendously. As a matter of fact, eating a few tablespoons of coconut oil every day can even help you lose weight! This is because the structure of the fatty acids in coconut oil is of a special kind and even though it is a type of saturated fat it does not clog the arteries like other saturated fats do. Instead, coconut oil supports a healthy and well-functioning blood-system, with a healthy heart and clear arteries.
This means it lessens the risk for heart attacks, strokes and other heart-related diseases.
For people that really want to have a boost in their health, I recommend them to swap all their dairy products to coconut-based products instead. This alone can help you lose weight faster and you'll notice that you'll become more vital and energized. While dairy products slows down the metabolism, coconut oil instead increases it or balances it.
So you're doing yourself and your body a great favor if you begin to enjoy the wonderfulness of coconut :) You can enjoy it in so many different ways; coconut milk in your fruit-shakes, refridgerated oil as a spread on bread, as a salad dressing oil and so on.
Best thing about it is that it tastes so so great :) eating healthy does not at all need to be boring. And by using coconut oil and cream, it can even be rich!

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