Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Slim waist with a hoop

I do not know any woman who would not want to have a slender waist.

And if you do, and so beautiful and thin waist, then you will definitely want to keep it that way as long as possible. And it's real!

And help us in this regular hoop , or as it is called the American founders – hula-hoop.
Consider the most notable advantages of the hoop:
♦ First, it does not cause the displacement of internal organs, no pressure on them. The internal organs are protected by abdominal muscles, but if you picked up a hoop for the first time in my life, you should not exercise immediately and dramatically much.

♦ Second, the hoop is very simple and easy to handle. All you need to learn – to turn the hoop around the waist.

♦ Third, the band is involved in training the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. And if you have shortness of breath and palpitations during the rapid rise of the stairs, then these systems of the body you have a problem, which will help eliminate hoop workout .

Hoop shape returns excellent shape.

♦ In the fourth, you'd be surprised, but ring improves the skin, its appearance in the waist and hips. How it works: the hoop is so arranged that after the training "problem" areas of skin wrinkles. Check!

♦ Fifth, minute workout with a hoop burns 15 calories! Importantly, constant training with the hoop kicked the extra pounds and you'll feel an unusual and pleasant lightness and pride in his slim and beautiful figure.

If you have enough hoop hard, you do not train for more than 20 minutes. Three times a day for 15-20 minutes is enough.

If you want to see the result in faster, then combine exercise with hoop and proper nutrition. But remember, after training with a hoop for 30 minutes, you can not eat, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted.

♦ In the sixth, hoop kills "beer" belly. Diligence and patience in this matter – the key to success.

Cucumber diet

Cucumber diet lasts for 7 days , very widely used for weight loss and weight loss can quickly and efficiently, but it is quite difficult because during the week you have to eat almost only one cucumber.

Cucumber with properties very suitable for the diet, because 95% of the water that provides a low calorie product. Among the efficiencies of cucumber can be identified as the main as follows:

1.Positive effect on the digestive system and metabolism;
2.It has a diuretic, so contributes to the removal of excess fluid from the body;
3.Improves the water-salt metabolism.
Cucumber diet contributes primarily cleaning the body, so it is recommended to stick to three days. Such a short time is also recommended because, in this diet the body does not receive many of the nutrients that are contained in a normal diet.

On the day on a diet you can eat cucumber 1 kg of cucumbers in a salad. Cucumbers cut into large, low-fat sour cream or seasoned mayonnaise, preferably no salt. In a salad you can add any fresh herbs (parsley, dill, celery, basil, etc.). Salad is divided into three meals: 12.00, 16.00 and 19.00. At each meal you can eat one slice of bread. After the last meal, then eat at night, you can eat a large apple or pear or two oranges. Recommended for cucumber diet to take any complex vitamins that the body does not suffer from lack of nutrients.

The results of the cucumber diet is detoxification and weight reduction of up to five pounds. It is best to combine cucumber diet with sports: shaping, aerobics, swimming. In this case, the results will be more visible and less likely that the end of the diet, the extra pounds come back. Also recommended to fix the result of the carbohydrate-protein diet food: oatmeal, fruit, lean meat.

Contraindications to the Cucumber diet can be any kidney disease, as well as the probability that the produce that you intend to eat in large quantities, are grown using pesticides.

Watermelon diet

Watermelon diet – this is one of the most effective, so-called fast diets. The result of watermelon diet does not take long – Reviewed watermelon diet in most cases positive. But in deciding to stick to it, you need to make sure that:

1.You do not have allergies to watermelon
2.You can tolerate eating watermelon in food (do not feel discomfort after eating even watermelon)
3.Are you ready to sit on a really strict diet
4.Are you ready to consolidate the results of watermelon diet, following a diet at its end (in other fast results quickly and disappear)

Losing weight with watermelon diet in the early days is predominantly due to the withdrawal from the body of water and salt deposits, because watermelon has a pronounced diuretic effect.

The result of watermelon diet is a weight loss of 5 to 8 pounds in 5 days . The main advantages of this diet is that it allows you to effectively lose weight in a short time without the constant feeling of hunger, which is characteristic for many other diets. Upon successful completion of watermelon diet should fix it – some time to eat lean protein and carbohydrate meals: eat all you can fruits and vegetables, cereals, fish, poultry, and eggs.

Diet watermelon diet. There are several options watermelon diet. On the main types in detail.

1.Watermelon is a pure form . This is the hardest diet modification. In this diet, there is only one limitation – the number of watermelon, which can be eaten throughout the day: watermelon can absorb at any time of day per 1 kg of watermelon at 10 pounds weight of your body. Ie weighs 65 kg, you can eat 6.5 kg of watermelon a day. You can drink non-carbonated non-mineral water or green tea without sugar. psklyuchaem alcohol.
2.Watermelon and black bread . The same principle as in the first version, with a slight change. 2 slices of black rye bread may be added to each receive a watermelon diet. Other rules remain the same diet. (In this case diet can be increased up to 8-10 days)
Contraindications watermelon diet:

1.Kidney disease
2.Diseases of the genitourinary system
3.Allergy or inadequate reaction to watermelon
4.Feeling pain in the second and subsequent days diet ( in this case, the diet should be stopped immediately! )
5.Diabetic problems
6.Pancreatic diseases

Diet for a stomach and hips (minus 5 lbs)

Female body needs a day to get about 12 grams of fat, while the average daily volume of its consumption is about 115 g. This is due to the fact that most of the fat is like a hidden and enters the female body, such as sweets or sausages. By the way, the diet for stomach and hips and fit men, especially beer lovers. The proposed system will help break down unwanted fatty tissue.

Among the basic rules, which includes diet for stomach and hips, in the first place, it is necessary to allocate the use of large amounts of water – at least 8 glasses a day . Best of all, if it is non-carbonated mineral water. As tea and coffee should, if possible, limit, drinking no more than 2 cups loosely welded for knocking drinks (no sugar!).

Diet for a stomach and hips, in the first place, proposes to begin to count calories , daily used products derived from food. Their number is due to some peculiarities of the body and must be from 1000 to 1300 kcal. To achieve this, it is necessary to completely eliminate from the diet of flour products, butter cakes, candies, chocolate, fatty foods, salt and spices. They need to be replaced by fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in various vitamins and trace elements. Permission is granted to use low-fat, protein-rich meat – poultry, veal, eggs and organic fresh juices.

During the diet you are allowed to use a variety of salads, cooked beans, crusty bread diet, yogurt and cheese with low fat content . You can also have honey , bread with bran or baked from wheat flour. For lunch, it is best to use hot meatless soup . For dinner we recommend boiled potatoes (without salt and butter), a small amount of beef ham . You can eat fish (tuna will work well) and, if desired, seafood such as steamed shrimp.

Also recommended different kinds of cabbage , tomatoes, apples, pears, grapes, cantaloupe, green beans . Not too often you can eat bananas, and sometimes – jam or preserves.

System should follow within two weeks , after which they can get rid of five pounds overweight .

HCG Diet – advantages and disadvantages

Men do it, women do it, young and old … We are talking about injections of the pregnancy hormone hCG. An example of such a choice are those who could lose weight with these injections without diet or starvation. In their view, this hormone helps the body to redirect the use of "fuel" of reserve stocks, which are usually confident we call "zones that require correction."  Generally, the function of hCG – human chorionic gonadotropin is somewhat different – it occurs in large quantities during pregnancy and stimulates the body to store fat and nutrients to ensure healthy growth and development of the child.  Experiments with these injections have shown that reducing caloric intake to 500 calories per day, the body goes to the consumption of fat, respectively, solving the problem of excess weight. The reason for this is that Mother Nature designed so that even if a pregnant woman would receive insufficient food and will sometimes go hungry, the child still needed him to get fat "from my mother."  receiving an injection of HCG, human body, "deceived and believe the woman became pregnant, "trying hard to provide all the necessary imaginary fruit, including fat and – here and start mechanism to combat obesity.  The result is that the person does not experience loss of energy and vitality, weight drops very quickly, and difference between real hunger and habit is very clear. Hunger, which exists only in the mind – this is the one who harms the health and healthy weight – it appears under the influence of advertising and food habits. HCG injections give a clear sense of when to eat, but when hunger and its supposed to simply overcome.  Those who have tried to imagine these procedures argue that they have learned to listen to your body and meet his true needs. Naturally, the weight began to decline.  After completing the course a person can return to old eating habits, but if the desire to overcome the extra weight is great, the first time may have to keep track of what and how much is eaten. The course lasts for 3-4 weeks of receipt of hormones, for which the person becomes accustomed to eating less, refuses to unnecessary portions of food, feeling a little hungry, which carries no risk to health.  Like many other methods, HCG Diet has its side effects : nausea, vomiting, fatigue, hair loss, acne, mood swings – hormonal drugs often causes the individual backfire.  Some who chose this path for treating obesity, said that for the first time they have on the body of a rash, it may be an allergic reaction to hormone.  In women, there are more "surprises": an increased risk of pregnancy because the hormone hCG does not stop the production of eggs, and more likely that after such therapy begins born twins, or ectopic pregnancy.  The representatives of the male , undesirable consequences associated not only with loss of excess weight (sagging skin), but with the arrival of hCG together with estrogen. Because of this possible increase in prostate and some breast growth.  So before you choose this method for the treatment of obesity and getting rid of excess weight better make sure it is suitable for you individually and will not cause unwanted effects. In addition, of course, and an injection of hCG is not a guarantee that you will be able to reach the desired weight correction. At the moment, serious studies of long-term effect of hCG-diet has been conducted, and is difficult to foresee all the consequences of such a method for weight loss health.  Choose hCG method makes sense when you need to lose weight fast enough or when we are talking about a really serious problem of obesity.

Pineapple diet is one of the most effective

This diet is for people financially secure. Pineapples contain enzymes which, in turn, are struggling with the intense accumulation of fat.

You need to bring two kilograms per liter pineapple and pineapple juice with no sugar. Pineapple cut into slices and divide into four portions – breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner. During the day, drink a liter of pineapple juice.

Nothing else to eat or drink. Arrange a two handling days a week. If this diet sounds too hungry, you eat during the day still 100 grams. low-fat cottage cheese, 100 gr. poultry or lean meat, a little bit of rye bread.During the two days lost two pounds without damage to health.

How quickly reduce belly and hips?

If you are concerned about the condition of your stomach and sides, that is, they got fat, you should pay attention to your diet, and a set of special exercises. The diet should include green and red vegetables. Keep in vegetables containing no starch. Just as well be eating sweet potatoes and brown rice to make up for lack of carbohydrate. It is necessary to opt for meat, poultry and fish, none should eat fatty meat. From fruit stands to be careful, because the sugar contained in them can interfere with your goal. You should not just give them up. Just eat them just before noon and no more than one piece a day. Learn how to quickly reduce belly and sides.

Exercise will help you to remove the accumulated excess fat from problem areas of the skin. Do not get too zealous and do it through force. Better to do as much as you can, and the next day slightly increase the number of repetitions.

Exercises to perform while lying down.

The first exercise – lie on the floor, spinu.Nogi, knees bent, and put on pol.Obe hands should lie along tela.Nachnite exercise by bending the body so that his hand to touch the heel. It looks like a normal slope, just lying down. Exercise is carried out so as to alternately touch the hands of five feet.

The second exercise – the position on the floor is so clean after zhe.Ruki golovu.Napryagaya press, get up, so that your left elbow touched the right knee. Return to starting position and repeat the movement for another couple – right elbow – left elbow. Exercise is slow.

The third exercise – the position on the floor menyaem.Napryagayte press, simultaneously turning the body as if trying to touch the right elbow of the left knee. The legs do not tear off the floor. Return to starting position and repeat the exercise while lying to the other side.

The fourth exercise - lie on your right side, bending koleni.Nogi be vmeste.Levuyu hand on the left uho.Podnimite upper torso off the floor as vysoko.Sledite to it that oblique muscles of the body as napryagalis.Povtorite exercise for the other side.

The fifth exercise – body position remains prezhnim.Pravuyu hand position as you are comfortable, and the left – for golovu.Podnimayte upper body and left leg up, and then repeat for other side.

The sixth exercise – lie down on a gymnastic bench, your feet should be vverhu.Polozhite left hand to left ear and right – to the right. Raise your upper body so that the right elbow to touch the left knee. Do this exercise slowly and continue to as long as the elbow and the knee does not touch. Then return to starting position and repeat for the other side of your body.

The next exercise is performed sitting – sit on the floor and grab a load. Lean back slightly and lift your legs from pola.Povorachivayte upper body so that the load is touching the floor with you on both sides.

The next exercise is performed standing up. Take the easy shtangu.Polozhite it on his shoulders and neck so as to keep it parallel polu.Zatem stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, put on and lean to one side. Exercise is done slowly. Return to starting position and repeat for other side.

If you have an opportunity to engage on the bar, then perform the following exercise. Hang on to your chest turnike.Podnimayte leg, bending your knees and rotate the body. Do the exercise slowly and lift your knees as high as possible. Turn the body to simultaneously lift the knee. Do not forget about it. And remember that the number of repetitions you are installing themselves as best they could. With these easy exercises and our recommendations, you learned how to quickly reduce belly and sides. We wish you to lose weight quickly and stay always in shape!

5 rules to shape your body in zero size

In today's world, women are trying because of all the forces available forms with zero size, since it promotes a model of the exterior of the business model. However, the thinness becomes important in the feminine – her sexuality, which can be expressed only in the natural bends at the waist and hips.

According to nutritionists, if a girl is too thin, it primarily talks about her hormonal background, so that it ceases to look like and, more importantly, feel like a woman. Of course, we are not talking about the sagging belly. In this case, it is a taut figure of a moderate build. But that figure did not look too skinny, you need to take food 5 times a day. The daily diet should consist of five ingredients: foods high in protein (chicken, fish, shellfish, egg whites or cottage cheese), healthy carbohydrates (beans, lentils, brown rice, wild rice, fruit, whole wheat bread), vegetables (except potatoes ) and fruits, healthy fats (olive and canola oil) and sugar-free drinks. It must lead a healthy life and 5 times a week to do a short workout for all muscle groups.

Herbal medicine: herbs for slimming

Herbal medicine in recent years become more and more popular, and there are reasons, among them – relatively low prices, the reluctance to use pills, a wide range of applications, and the effect if not fast, but really noticeable. We are with you today, let's talk about the benefits of herbal medicine for losing weight – a topic relevant and interesting.

Make sure that losing weight with herbs, is absolutely not difficult, just look at the composition of teas or supplements for losing weight. In addition to herbal products you will not find anything else in their composition. Another thing is that, as experts note, it is best to use for the treatment of weight loss or those herbs that grow in your klimate.vashem the region than any overseas powders. So let's find out what effect these or other plants, then to safely proceed to the preparation of a dietary supplement for weight loss.

Main effects of herbs for weight loss1. Herbs that suppress hunger . These grasses form a mucous film on the walls of the stomach, thereby reducing appetite, or soaking up moisture, they increase in volume and fill the stomach, quench your hunger. This group of plants include flax seed, marshmallow root, angelica officinalis, algae, spirulina and more. All this can be easily found by local herbalists and pharmacies.
2. Herbs that increase the excretion of fluid from the body , or as they are called – diuretics. Due to the active water exchange of the body are derived toxins and excess fluids from body fat. Herbs – bear ears, horsetail, bilberry leaf, burdock, and others. Just do not think that it is possible to lose weight, only withdrawing the water, because water in our body just does not stay, and its lack of impact on the state of the body negatively. Therefore, taking a diuretic, it is necessary to increase the dose of fluid intake due to pure water. Such plants are contraindicated for people with kidney disease.
3. Herbs that stimulate the production and excretion of bile . These include dandelion, barberry, thoroughwax, immortelle, corn and other columns. These herbs, in the first place, and normalize liver and gall bladder, which is good for the digestion of a full-fledged products.
4. Herbs that normalize and promote digestion , have a laxative effect and help to cleanse the intestines of harmful substances. If you sit on a diet to lose weight , these are the substances that help you take the excess fat and toxins from the body. This is such herbs as buckthorn bark, cumin, fennel, anise, rhineberry and others.
5. Herbs that increase energy expenditure . Thus, they help to burn more calories than usual. Perhaps they too should be included in the table koloriynosti products , only with a minus sign. It is well-known spices – turmeric, rosemary, ginger, and others. However, they may increase the appetite, so watch out for the number of eaten food.
Collection SlimmingTo prepare a simple gathering to slimming at home , you need to take one plant of different actions and mix them. Then make the broth: Spoon mixture into 200 grams of water, leave for a couple of minutes and let stand 15-20. The broth was adjusted to a certain volume, diluting the boiled water and take in 100 ml 2-3 times daily before meals for two months. Well, if ever drink the broth does not work, take it during a diet or when to fasting days .
Lose weight this way quickly and efficiently is not difficult. But keep in mind that each of the herbal medicines has its indications and contraindications for use, so before drawing up an individual fee for the weight loss you should consult with a specialist . Your doctor will evaluate your body's capabilities and recommend herbs that will not harm your health.