Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How quickly reduce belly and hips?

If you are concerned about the condition of your stomach and sides, that is, they got fat, you should pay attention to your diet, and a set of special exercises. The diet should include green and red vegetables. Keep in vegetables containing no starch. Just as well be eating sweet potatoes and brown rice to make up for lack of carbohydrate. It is necessary to opt for meat, poultry and fish, none should eat fatty meat. From fruit stands to be careful, because the sugar contained in them can interfere with your goal. You should not just give them up. Just eat them just before noon and no more than one piece a day. Learn how to quickly reduce belly and sides.

Exercise will help you to remove the accumulated excess fat from problem areas of the skin. Do not get too zealous and do it through force. Better to do as much as you can, and the next day slightly increase the number of repetitions.

Exercises to perform while lying down.

The first exercise – lie on the floor, spinu.Nogi, knees bent, and put on pol.Obe hands should lie along tela.Nachnite exercise by bending the body so that his hand to touch the heel. It looks like a normal slope, just lying down. Exercise is carried out so as to alternately touch the hands of five feet.

The second exercise – the position on the floor is so clean after zhe.Ruki golovu.Napryagaya press, get up, so that your left elbow touched the right knee. Return to starting position and repeat the movement for another couple – right elbow – left elbow. Exercise is slow.

The third exercise – the position on the floor menyaem.Napryagayte press, simultaneously turning the body as if trying to touch the right elbow of the left knee. The legs do not tear off the floor. Return to starting position and repeat the exercise while lying to the other side.

The fourth exercise - lie on your right side, bending koleni.Nogi be vmeste.Levuyu hand on the left uho.Podnimite upper torso off the floor as vysoko.Sledite to it that oblique muscles of the body as napryagalis.Povtorite exercise for the other side.

The fifth exercise – body position remains prezhnim.Pravuyu hand position as you are comfortable, and the left – for golovu.Podnimayte upper body and left leg up, and then repeat for other side.

The sixth exercise – lie down on a gymnastic bench, your feet should be vverhu.Polozhite left hand to left ear and right – to the right. Raise your upper body so that the right elbow to touch the left knee. Do this exercise slowly and continue to as long as the elbow and the knee does not touch. Then return to starting position and repeat for the other side of your body.

The next exercise is performed sitting – sit on the floor and grab a load. Lean back slightly and lift your legs from pola.Povorachivayte upper body so that the load is touching the floor with you on both sides.

The next exercise is performed standing up. Take the easy shtangu.Polozhite it on his shoulders and neck so as to keep it parallel polu.Zatem stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, put on and lean to one side. Exercise is done slowly. Return to starting position and repeat for other side.

If you have an opportunity to engage on the bar, then perform the following exercise. Hang on to your chest turnike.Podnimayte leg, bending your knees and rotate the body. Do the exercise slowly and lift your knees as high as possible. Turn the body to simultaneously lift the knee. Do not forget about it. And remember that the number of repetitions you are installing themselves as best they could. With these easy exercises and our recommendations, you learned how to quickly reduce belly and sides. We wish you to lose weight quickly and stay always in shape!

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