Wednesday, February 22, 2012

HCG Diet – advantages and disadvantages

Men do it, women do it, young and old … We are talking about injections of the pregnancy hormone hCG. An example of such a choice are those who could lose weight with these injections without diet or starvation. In their view, this hormone helps the body to redirect the use of "fuel" of reserve stocks, which are usually confident we call "zones that require correction."  Generally, the function of hCG – human chorionic gonadotropin is somewhat different – it occurs in large quantities during pregnancy and stimulates the body to store fat and nutrients to ensure healthy growth and development of the child.  Experiments with these injections have shown that reducing caloric intake to 500 calories per day, the body goes to the consumption of fat, respectively, solving the problem of excess weight. The reason for this is that Mother Nature designed so that even if a pregnant woman would receive insufficient food and will sometimes go hungry, the child still needed him to get fat "from my mother."  receiving an injection of HCG, human body, "deceived and believe the woman became pregnant, "trying hard to provide all the necessary imaginary fruit, including fat and – here and start mechanism to combat obesity.  The result is that the person does not experience loss of energy and vitality, weight drops very quickly, and difference between real hunger and habit is very clear. Hunger, which exists only in the mind – this is the one who harms the health and healthy weight – it appears under the influence of advertising and food habits. HCG injections give a clear sense of when to eat, but when hunger and its supposed to simply overcome.  Those who have tried to imagine these procedures argue that they have learned to listen to your body and meet his true needs. Naturally, the weight began to decline.  After completing the course a person can return to old eating habits, but if the desire to overcome the extra weight is great, the first time may have to keep track of what and how much is eaten. The course lasts for 3-4 weeks of receipt of hormones, for which the person becomes accustomed to eating less, refuses to unnecessary portions of food, feeling a little hungry, which carries no risk to health.  Like many other methods, HCG Diet has its side effects : nausea, vomiting, fatigue, hair loss, acne, mood swings – hormonal drugs often causes the individual backfire.  Some who chose this path for treating obesity, said that for the first time they have on the body of a rash, it may be an allergic reaction to hormone.  In women, there are more "surprises": an increased risk of pregnancy because the hormone hCG does not stop the production of eggs, and more likely that after such therapy begins born twins, or ectopic pregnancy.  The representatives of the male , undesirable consequences associated not only with loss of excess weight (sagging skin), but with the arrival of hCG together with estrogen. Because of this possible increase in prostate and some breast growth.  So before you choose this method for the treatment of obesity and getting rid of excess weight better make sure it is suitable for you individually and will not cause unwanted effects. In addition, of course, and an injection of hCG is not a guarantee that you will be able to reach the desired weight correction. At the moment, serious studies of long-term effect of hCG-diet has been conducted, and is difficult to foresee all the consequences of such a method for weight loss health.  Choose hCG method makes sense when you need to lose weight fast enough or when we are talking about a really serious problem of obesity.

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