Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Grape diet

According to an old legend of the grapes came after the Great Flood. When Noah's Ark came to her in the mountains of Ararat. He bent his knee and put the rod into the ground. Since that time, and takes a reading of his life a wonderful plant – the grapes.Name of grapes received from the Latin phrase Vinis vinifera, which means "vine, bringing wine." He belongs to the family Vinogradov, a kind Ampelnyh. Woody is a powerful climber with carved leaves palymi 5.3. Flowers in April and May, fragrant flowers small, greenish, collected in inflorescence panicle. Fruit globose or ovoid berry, collected in clusters. Clusters can be loose or tightly packed. Color the grapes very different, incredibly beautiful. From greenish-yellow, golden to reddish-blue and purple. 
Use it grapes and fresh, cooked from it jams, marmalades, compotes. Made great sweetness, such as delicious churchhella – "sausage" of uvarennogo grape juice, stuffed with nuts. Very tasty grape candy. Grape juice and do produce excellent wine.Depending on the color of wine – red or white wine . And many people believe that this unusual vine is the source of all the best in the world.

Helpful and healing properties of grapes.

Grapes are not just a delicious dessert, and it also means cure many diseases, helping many people. The main nutritional value is determined by the presence of grape sugar in it. In different grades it contains from 12 to 32% and is quickly digestible glucose, fructose and sucrose. These sugars are the prevention of diabetes. However, their action is such that they come immediately into the bloodstream, without any changes were made ​​or the splitting of the digestive tract. What contributes to the very rapid recycling of energy raw materials, which immediately restores the power of man.Therefore, the grapes are very good at physical activities, loss of strength and exhaustion. 
Grapes are extremely valuable substances bioflavonidy – a very strong antioxidant .They neutralize the harmful substances to the body, carry out the prevention of atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, prevent the emergence of malignant tumors. 
Regular intake of wine reduces cholesterol levels and the possibility of cardio – vascular diseases. Makes it easy for angina reduces the incidence of heart attacks. Promotes normalization of blood pressure, reduce dyspnea and edema. Increases the formation of new blood, improves sleep and general condition of the person. As part of grapes a lot of salts and minerals, most of all – potassium , which improves heart and kidneys.There it also manganese, nickel, aluminum, cobalt, silicon, zinc, chromium, boron and other necessities to the body. Plenty of vitamins such as ascorbic acid – vitamin C , carotene – vitamin A , thiamin – B1 , riboflavin – B2 and others support the various organs of the body, preventing it from aging. Pectic substances (lysine, histidine, methionine, leucine), essential amino acids involved in general metabolism, bind and actively withdrawn from the body's various toxic substances, heavy metals and radionuclides. Reception Grape makes it much easier for pulmonary diseases, it is indispensable for pleurisy, bronchitis, laryngitis. The juice is paired with onion – very effective for treatment of cough. With pulmonary tuberculosis facilitates expectoration and excretion of fluid from the lungs. Thus, improving the condition of the respiratory tract. Glucose and vitamins stimulate mental activity, prevent the emergence of stress.

Calorie grapes.
Of all the fruit vine is the most nutritious. 100 g – 69 calories, which is equivalent liter of drinking milk or eating even a kilogram of potatoes. It is also carbohydrates – 17-24 g fat – 0, proteins – 0,4 g.

Grape diet.

For lovers of cleansing the body and in good shape there three days grape diet . At the time, which is expected every day to eat only grapes. Moreover, small equal portions, at intervals of 2 hours. In the first day – 500 g. In the second – 1.5 kg, in the third – about 2 pounds. Grape is a healing and because of these characteristics – normal nutrient balance, and the body cleansed of toxins . To choose the best diet grapes with seeds , as they contain more polyphenols that counteract the aging process.Grapes are very clean kidneys . The effect of grape diet fast , but unstable , if after leaving the diet did not observe moderation in food. It is better to combine the technique of grape with conventional measures for fasting days. It's easy gymnastics, walks in the morning and evening, normal sleep and pouring water contrast. Grapes wonderful diet product and a delightful dessert. Eat it – a pleasure. Harmony creates a pleasant taste combination – sugar, acid and spice berries. A magnificent view of clusters together with the exquisite color, makes an unusually festive grape product.Under a taste and beauty of the name: Delight, Hope, Magarach Codreanca, Rishile – red grapes. And Arcadia, Elegant, Muscat, Riesling, Galba – white. The great philosopher Hippocrates, eating these juicy fruits, comparing them with breast milk or honey. According to him saying why they are so good help in various diseases, being both nutritious and useful product.

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